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The Scotch Twins


Word Count: 1546    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ake, and was making his way slowly toward home, following the course of the stream. As he came nea

snorted, "as I live! The bold rascals! Poaching in broad daylight and cooking their game right under my no

over the rocks and gazed searchingly about. It was not long before he c

nt your thefts in the face of the Laird's own gamekeeper, once I get my hands on you!" At once h

t away, stood Angus Niel gazing up at the top of the rock! His back was toward them, and the noise of the waterfall had drowned out the sound of voices, or they surely would not have escaped his notice. As it was, they

is the matter

Niel is down there, and he's seen the smoke! He alm

f you," commanded the Chi

and, lying there, was able to peep through the thick screen of leaves and see what was going on below. The gamekeeper was still scrambling

s he prowled about over the rocks, that every move was watched from above. Despairing of finding the path, he decided

impossible for Angus to see them, but when he began to climb

halfway up, but he puffed on in spite of difficulties and at last reached a point from which he could look directly ac

frying-pan, the egg shells lying about, and even the portion of bacon that Jean had not cooked. They were all in full view, but appa

ay up, I can, too. I'll help myself to a snack of that bacon, and if they come back a

d began to climb. He had gone about a third of the way up, when he reached the narrowest point of the channel and tried to force himself through, but the space was so small that no matter h

to his horror, that he couldn't do that either. There he stuck, and an angrier man than Angus Niel it would have been hard to find. A projecting rock punched him in the stomach, and when he pressed back against the rock

first did not know what caused them, because, of course, they could not see what was happening below

"He's too fat to get through!" He crept to the edge and peeped down the hole.

d ran to the fall, snatching up the pan as he passed. This he filled with water and, r

led his eyes upward, but there was no one in sight. He had heard all his life tales of witches and water cows, of spells cast upon people by fairies, of th

d began to plead with the unseen tormentors who he believed held him in thrall. "Only leav

as he did so. They could hear him scuttling down the secret stair as fast as his legs would carry him, and when he emerged below, they watched him hurry away throu

ercing note, "bring back my beautiful

ed, and they could hear him crashing through the under

stance, the Rob Roy Clan rolled on

ear's growth, and he'll never dare meddle with this place again. Come on, now. It's time to go home, but

re, stuck the sprigs of Evergreen Pine in their b

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