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The Touch of Abner


Word Count: 2396    |    Released on: 17/11/2017


r to spare before the arrival of the train, and that would allow him plenty of time to visit the dump, and give it a thorough

s side that he might give expression to the feeling of indignation which was agitating his soul. But not a person could he beho

r god Mulick. But I guess we've got jist as big divils now as they had then, an' mebbe a darn sight bigger. Them old fellers didn't know any better. It was a part of their religion, so I understand. But these modern cusses want to sacrifice poor little orphan kids in a

he vowed, if they persisted in placing the Home in such a vile place. He knew that it could be levelled off, and cleaned up to a certain extent. But that would take much of the money needed for the er

he muttered. "This town could well

approached a crossing about half a mile from the station. He glanced

fter the gal all right. Not bein' there will save me a lot of fussin'.

woman held the reins, and that she was bareheaded. In a twinkling the truth flashed upon him, and he paused, uncertain what to do. He knew that it was Bel

. He reached out to grasp the horse by the bridle, but as he did so the fair driver brought the whip stingingly do

ze the end of the express as it dashed by, and to pull himself partly aboard. He sprawled across the tailboard, holding on by his elbows, and balancing himself upon his stomach, with his feet beating a tattoo upon t

o anything. But one of the few policemen of which the town boasted happened to be coming along that very moment, and sprang into the middle of

ning around and pointing to Abner,

houted, struggling un

of all this, Mr. Andrews?

n, an' beat me black an' blu

erspread Belle Rivers' face, and

es swiftly scanned Abner's unshaven face, rough, d

Ash Pint," he chuckled, not

at is, I didn't expect

country gentleman, eh? With tan shoes, pants all creased d

ge, which she knew was absolutely true. Then the humor of t

. Andrews?" she asked. "

er queried. "Will ye'r sweet apology cure t

t home I shall attend to you

ke 'em worse,"

liceman interposed, "I've

st me

an i

aring hard now at the

t the chance of having your head and shoulders attended to

ppealed to Abner, and he squ

good one. Guess I'd better hustl

e flopped himself down by Belle

d fer ye'r help an' advice. Wil

on the homeward way, Abner p

d smokin'?

girl replied. "I enjoy

a bit upsot to-day, an' te

Andrews. I had no idea that it was you I was whippin

where in the name of all cre

he young men at the station staring at me, so I thought I woul

re ye'r pluck. The way ye walloped me was sartinly

rews. In fact, I like an adventure once in

Guess we must be somethin' al

, too; of real exciting experi

meat an' dr

much adventure on a

. Why, my old farm is so light that I have to keep i


s a gravel hill on my place which makes the earth top

Jess never told me any

Social Service that she can't come down to com

t st

l do fer the world, sich as elevat

is so wrapped up in her work that I do all I can to help her

he color of ye'r hair goes, but no further, skiddy-me-shins if ye are. Ye'r al

u a

ness that Jess 'ud git sich non

ed. "I don't believe anything could change Jess

go away to some big city instead of stayin' at home where there

tively replied. "You wish

ouse doesn't allus have a heavenly atmosphere when we're alone, not by a jugful. The best wheel an' axle will git hot

ed. "Jess acts as a go-between

artinly works wonders in stoppin' the creakin' in

to Jess about i

a long talk

at did

room. I wish to goodness she'd lower her sail, an' drop anchor at As

that she does," was

her sail and dro


w kin I

do along Social Service lines. That

at kin

ng will turn up. We must try to work o

. I guess you've hit the bull's-eye, all right. Yes, w

old about the proposed Orphan Home, and his conversation that morning with Lawyer Rackshaw. He was somewhat surprised with himself for talki

he asked. "They don't seem to understand sich things. But you

. Andrews," was the reply, "and

"They should be put into a good home at once. I really don't

er directed Belle's attention to his house s

git a hearty welcome, lots of room, an' plenty of fr

is face. He straightened himself up with a jerk, and bro

rong?" Bell

have it sometimes an' i

es it aff

lly in

isn't it? What

ut an' make

t hustle?

specially if


ut here we are at home, an' there's Tildy a

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