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The Secret of Steeple Rocks

Chapter 6 A "CLOSE-UP" VIEW

Word Count: 3308    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

delivery there for the present. Sarita had a headache and was lying down for the afternoon, looked in upon occasionally by Elizabeth, who was at her usual occupation of sketching or paint

a red frock and sweater to match. She was easily seen from the launch, where figures waved at her and pointed t

gathering them was her latest occupation, she ran toward the little dock. There, b

Peggy. "It's grand this afternoon. We'l

ie inside of the launch. It was really not ne

hy in her eyes when, after she was seated, she met her glance. "Madame Kra

t, but Beth is dosing her and perhaps it will not amount to anything." Leslie was wondering a little about Peggy's governess. She did not look Fre

ch was better for launches than the sea, which was growing rough. For a while they cruised around am

nel, Jack, and show her our l

ightly instead. Leslie thought that she had been about to make an objecti

widened as they proceeded. At their right a narrow islet with high rocks kept the force of t

ecially if they have heard the stories about Pirates' Cove. But we tell them that the channel is dee

heir spray. "Dad showed Jack where to go and where not to go," she added. "I

are Beth's 'Cathedral Rocks,'" Leslie replied to Peggy. "She loves them, more than any of us. Beth is an artist, you know. But we all love to lo

lt thrilled, as she confided to Sarita later, to see a pretty sailboat tied there, together wi

large yacht, too, that had to be docked in the other bay. "We wondered if that larger dock were

I like to cruise." Peggy frowned and looked thoughtful, while Leslie wondered again. But now Jack w

nd I have been intending to explore them more ourselves,

t to meet your friend, since you have brought her here; and then it will be necessary

adame K," rather pettishly Peggy said. "All ri

beginning of the higher mass known as Steeple Rocks. But good steps had been made, with a stro

intent, and Leslie found herself within a formal garden. Flowers were blossoming and Leslie would have liked to linger, had not Peggy hurried her on to show her the house, an immense affair, of how many rooms Leslie cou

ade the porch floor. Light wicker chairs stood about and a long wicker couch was piled with pretty cushions

more presentable. Leslie was glad that her dress and sweater were respectable, since she was to meet Mrs. Ives. Gathering shells on the beach had not improved the appearance of her hands, which were now washed with Peggy's pet soap, fragrant and soo

people were about. White, red, blue, orange, all sorts of colors, had a share in the sport c

ered toward the house, Mrs. Ives hurrying on before the rest. "That

a minute, won't yo

ing for. So this is Leslie?" She cordially extended a hand to Leslie, who rose and stepped forward to greet her, rather surprised to find her so

said. "We were glad to be invited, but there have been things to hinder us (indeed there ha

you will best enjoy the beach party that Peggy is planning. Peggy, you

rd her older guests during the time of their brief conversation. One of the ladies was waiting for her and both w

me. Jack, I want to take Leslie to my room and talk with her a little b

y if you don't want to have Miss Beth worrying

ttle visit only. She followed Peggy back into the a

iew of the sea from any of the windows. "But Dad said that I would be glad sometimes not to be blown away or think that I was going to sail off with the house! He wanted it close up against the rocks,

I know, s

"That is what my own father used to call

said the surprised Leslie. But that accounted fo

and he doesn't care. O Leslie, I wish that you would let me talk to you about things sometimes!

ugh, a nice, pretty girl with everything to make you happy. Why, child, we've had rea

mall, then. Haven't you ver

able incident, did not mind. "Not so very much, Peggy," she answered, "but enough to get along and more than some people.

le to-do about it and almost said that he should not come; but he had already been invited. Dad said that he did not want any 'curious boys' around. Leslie, there is something funny going on and I wish I could find out what it is. I'm pretty sure that

try?" asked Les

an. You'll see him sometime. He has fishy eyes and is very straight and tall and pale, and has

you can't help. You will be able to enjoy this wonderful pl

then than he is now. We travel so much that I have a teacher with me all the time. But I heard Mother talk

ike your

y.' Kravetz, Kravy, Crabby, you see. S

tty soon, building our log cabin, and we'll have to run our launch half the time without him, and fish in the small boat, too. He is taking most of his fun now, he says, though, of course, he will like

"I could learn more if I liked the teacher

at statement. She had not liked

other said that Madame Kravy needed the money and the place. But she could stay just

n in this remote spot. But he might be some big executive who h

said that if Sarita did not mind she surely would belong. "Jack is sort of lost, too, without

all used up when school was out, and if she can only have a little while to be happy and get strong again, why then it won't make s

say a word. I can't

ot want you to come to see us, or have us out here, or anyth


o, you see, if Mr. Ives wants to get us off the land, and we stand up for what we think are our rights, it may not be so

Little Peggy will try diplomacy. I'll find out what Dad is up to; but if I don't,

n't do anything you ou

ttle Peggy's

u, you will certainly be welcome on the

the first meeting of


rrow i

Secrest headland. Pirates' Cove looked just as interesting and deadly as ever, as they passed it. The Sea Crest bobbed up and down gently in recognition of the other boat, and Jack gallantly handed Leslie to a safe foothold and saw her up the more difficult steps, before he took the wheel from Peggy and waved a goodbye. The little launch chugged away. Leslie stopped at the top to lean upon a rock and wa

as that, perhaps, that made Mr. Ives try to send them all away. Les

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