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The Shame of Motley


Word Count: 4589    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

was to lead us down to Cagli. The air was sharp and cold, for all that overhead was spread a cloudless, cobalt dome of sky, and

e was Giacopo, approached me and sought to draw me into conversation. I yielded readily enough, for I scented a mystery about that closely-curtained litter, and mysteries are ever provokin

nd Cagli?" I asked him p

, the suspicion in his eyes confirming

"We hope to reach Urbino before nig

answered him, emulating

ead, and so far was the vision different from that which-for no reason that I can give-I had expected, that I was stricken with s

r years; her face was oval, delicately featured and of an ivory pallor. Her eyes-blue as the heavens overhead-were not of the colour most approved by Firenzuola, nor was her hair of the golden brown which that arbiter commends. Had Firenzuola seen her, it may well be that he had altered or modified his views

then looked about her, and espying me in conversation w

ect match to the graceful charm of her whole presence, "the travel

d briefly that

w how great a service you have rendered me. But if at any time Paola Sforza di Sa

Giacopo scowled at this pr

rusquely almost, for I hated the very name o

ervice. It so chanced that

she could not see the motley worn by the muffled stranger who confronted her. No doubt she accounted me a clown, whose natu

if they are to carry us as far as Cagli. Heaven send th

ed how much his wo

she waved her hand towards the valley below and the road by which we had come. From this and

Giacopo's answer, gloomily delivered, "and th

at his fears than at the peril that arouse

r the loan of your cloak, sir

right, but shru

d gruffly, and turning from him I set myself to pace th

phinx, and imposing and majestic by virtue of that very lack of expression. From Fabriano, at our feet, was spread to the east, the broad plain that lies twixt the Esino and the Masone, as far as Mount Comero, which, in the distance, lifted its round shoulder from the haze of sea. To the west the country lay u

aled those heights. Their first expression of loud astonishment had been succeeded by an utter silence. I stepped forward to command a better view of what they contemplated, and in the plain below, midway between Narni and the s

d me, put it into words. She had drawn aside the curtains of her litter a

grooms, in a quaver of alarm

n," she answered scornfully. "How c

, or else, as she suggested, fear spurred his imagina

ars the device of a red b

d a little, and he

forward, then!" cried Giaco

the litter. Giacopo called to me to lead the way with him, with no more ceremony than if I had been one of themselves. But I made no ado. A chase

ing minds of those poltroons, and so from the danger behind us we fled, and courted a more deadly and certain peril in the fleeing. At first I sought to remonstrate with Giacopo; but he was deaf to the wisdom that I

s, sir," he snarle

urt it, go your way. As for me, I am over-young to break my neck and be

gh chattering teeth. "A

ther than it was; but coming from one so possessed of th

aliant runagate,"

han these rational animals that bestrode them. Twice did it chance that a man was flung from his saddle, yet I know not what prayers

y dint of slipping and sliding had encompassed the descent at a good pace, were so winded t

er on the crest of the hills, expecting at every moment to behold the flash of the pursuers' steel. The end soon followed. He drew rein and called a

Madonna Paola's head appeared, her voice

his horse nearer, and s

are done. It is use

harply could ring the voice that I had heard so gent

, insolence rising in his voice. "Another half-

eminded him. "Once there, we can obtain fres

"and, meanwhile, there are these to guide the Borgia sbirri

and addressed herse

is a coward; but you are better men." They stirred, and one o

," he exclaimed. "Let Giacopo

d rogue; neither true himself, nor to

e exclaimed, "as caught you will be, and within the hour.

tter, the better to confront them. The corners of her sensitive little mouth were quive

o stand and fight in defence of me, you could not show yourselves more palsied. I was a fool," she s

But it were useless. I tell you again, Madonna, that when I espied them from the hill-top yonder, t

f you but press on we shall treble that distance, at least, ere they begin the descent. Besides, Giacopo," she added, turning

shoulders, shook hi

de no mistake. He t

aid, who set her trust in curs!" sh

ight prove, by virtue of the ring I carried, the one man in Italy to serve her in this extremity. And to be of service to her, her winsome beauty had already inflamed me. For there was I know not what about this child that seemed to take me in its toils, and so wrought upon me that there and then I would have risked my life in her good service. Oh, y

mble, "can I assist you? I have inferre

ing with surprise-hers n

ir?" she asked, her gentl

rs are servants of the House

hout hesitation, some eagerne

ich she found herself. Deserted by her dispirited grooms, her enemies hot upon her heels, she was in no case to trifle with assistance, or to des

e, you could not find it in your heart to be sparing of that

me with a greater interest. They leaned forward on their horses and eyed me with eyes grown of a sudden hopef

ured her that I promised no more than I could accomplish. For the

solated woman. But, Heaven knows, I am in no case to stand pondering the aid you offer, nor, inde

re you?"

seek at my cousin's Court of Pesaro shelter from a pe

ndering it, it flashed into my mind that by helping her I might assist mysel

voice, "at Pesaro there is Madonna Lu

y the doubt my

weet and gentle a friend as ever woman had, and

waived the point, and returned to w

rest of tracks behind you in the snow, you have had yourself attended by four grooms in the livery o

a fool to teach some elementary wisdom to the wise ones of this world. I

id yourself of this valiant escort. Separate from it for a little while. Take you my horse-

th she, in s

you are to await an escort there, begging her, meanwhile, to place you under her protection. She is a worthy soul, o

she inquir

il to-morrow morning, for these knaves to rejoin

po. Scenting his prot

he litter-you shall escort me towards Fabriano. Thus shall we draw th

d lend themselves to no such madness, and it took me some moments to persua

th you? Would any chance wayfarer so wantonly imperil his neck for

em, as indeed, it must have had with the d

that shall stand between us and danger fro

tuation. In danger they already stood from those that followed as they well knew; and now it seemed to them that by obeying one who was armed with such cre

ted to say more. I saw it in her eyes that she was wondering was there treac

be appearing on those heights, and then your chance of flight will be lost to you. I will ask you but this:

nny smile broke on me

she. And what more she would have ad

, to fill us all with surprise and admiration-she took her lea

bring you straight to Cagli. The distance is a short lea

parting, "the name of him that

Then-"They call me B

Then, gathering her mantle about her, and waving me farewell, she rode off without

cantered away in the sunshine; then

o the escort, "strike m

his I know-that if you intend us treachery you s

le of any man to betray such creatures as are you? Plague me

d caught the bridle of the leading mule and the litter moved forward, whilst Giacopo and the others came on behind at as brisk a pace as their weary hors

eave no sign about you to proclaim you of the House of Santafior, or all is lost. It is

led his disapproval of my comment on his wit. F

that I passed on to the contemplation of the position in which I found myself, and the thing that I had done. And the proportions of the jest that I was perpetrating afforded me no little amusement. It was a burla not unworthy the pe

sent, and the realisation that in the last few mom

as at my side in an instan

again overspreading his fat face. "We caught

glimpse of w

he Borgia

some party of which they are in pursuit. But since we are not that party, let your jade

l a league or so from Fabriano. We heard their cantering hoofs crushing the snow, and then a loud imperious voice shouting to us a command to

this halt. Whom my appearance astounded the more-whether the lacqueys of Santafior, or the Borgia men-at-arms that now enc

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