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Marjorie Dean Macy

Marjorie Dean Macy



Word Count: 1839    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

out gaily to Veronica Lynne as Ronny entered the cool spacious patio of L

mannish cut of her gray knickered riding clothes merely made her look more than ever like a little girl. From under her little round gray hat with its bit of irridescent color her br

ly, on the night of his famous ride. You look like Leila Harper's frie

la Harper." Marjorie

too forgetful," Ro

, knickered riding suit which was vastly becoming. Her wide gray eyes gave out a ha

me true six weeks previous when Marjorie, her father and mother had arrived from the East to make Ronny a long deferred visit. To range the

e to Ronny's room and hang around? Why so unsociable?" Ronny drew down her face into an aggrieved expres

of me. When I found you weren't, I couldn't resist stopping to dabble my hand in the water. I love the patio, Ronny, and adore the fountain. If I lived h

the East, but have never found it. It seems to me our Mana?a is Nature's own ideal of grandeur and beauty. I think the Spanish influence in the house and about the ran

ve, Ronny Lynne," ag

ew inviting lounging chairs, the reading stand piled with current magazines, the quaint leather-covered Spanish couch, long and narrow, and heaped with gorgeous-hued silken cushions seemed only to accentuate the primitive charm of t

Castle Dean. But I do. My whole heart is bound up in it, and Hamilton. I hope that I-that-we-will-" Marjorie stopped, her color deepening. "I hope H

s, too. 'Where the treasure is, there shall the heart be also,' you know. You are General's and Captain's treasure, and Hamilton 7is your treasure, so why shouldn't you all get to

e. I love Hamilton devotedly. Remember, there are plenty of Travelers to help complete the dormitory, but only one

to me still, Ronny-being engaged to be married to Hal," she confessed as sh

ppen some day," she said. "You can't help but feel strange a

ble happiness in Marjorie's reply was in itself convin

crossed it to the ancient brick drive and followed the drive toward a point near the heavy iron entrance gates,

ry good, Ramon. Thank you very much)," Ronny brigh

rie a handsome white pony which she had fancifully named Dawn. Pony and rider had quickly become fast friends. Ronny's own pet mount, Lightning, a soft black thoroughbred that deserved his name

gretfully told Marjorie as they rode their ponies slowly through the opened gat

hout you on the campus? What are Page and Dean without their greatest show feature? Think of all you've done as a Traveler for the good of Hamilt

long he will probably ask me when I think of going E

o-" She paused, her eyes meeting Ronn

then," Ronny smi

e different from most weddings, I'd like to have gathered around me that day the girls I've known and loved best. I'm going to try to find a pl

uestioned 10with the lighting of her

made any plans for it except I've thought to myself about the kind of wedding I'd like to h

h a respectful bow. "Having marvelously managed everything and everybody for a period

much," Marjorie

ough for two ponies to run on, side by side. It dipped gradually down into a green valley of oak, larch and aspen trees. There the trail narrowed to a bridle path, winding

began a vigorous signaling to a horseman who had reined in near a large rock some dista

e pony-back at sunset to meet Mr. Lynne on his return from the dail

ng, with a quick pat of her hand on his silky neck. He shot forwa


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