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The Slave of the Mine

The Slave of the Mine



Word Count: 3358    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r like t

u didn't. Luck's dead sot i

t speaker; "but I don't


sprang from his c

Monaco, in the clubs of London and the hells of Paris, as well as the

ham, and I'm known as a profesh at gambling from here to Cheye


un of luck, play it


asp. Play on the ace and copper the j

't want any one t

eceived an equally large pile of gold twenty-dollar pieces, which

t of thing," he remarked. "It i

ou," replied

the game went on, there being a dozen or

me was

ut of the box, and with equal solemnity the pla

ast of countenance, and the profusion of side whis

haggard, as if he suffered from want of sleep,

of age, which was ten or twelve more than his companion, and his face bore traces of drink and dissipation; but there was a shrewd, good-natured twink

eaker accepted a glass of wine which was handed him

ing, Mr.-er-M

replied tha

you! Well, you w

lays, even though he's well fi


kham, imitating his companion's

Call m

you want the excitement. That's th




and in fact all that the word implies, he don't want to go to a gambl

designated himself

erver of human

guess s

" replied

ne. Darn your black skin

p me, sah!" re

ellows like me, that keep this sa

new bottle and handed the gambl

some more, stra

feel at present I shall l

been in this coun






an't play that on me

a little and loo

friend," he said, "that you

s my

it is a mighty unpleasant way,



d Dan Markham, lighting a ciga

quarrel, for he walked away and strolled

n the tables were all the best periodicals and magazines, so that frequenter

cination which Smith, as he ca

o game and watched the play

long, till the garish streaks of the gray dawn stole in through the shades of t

had an air of refinement about him. His eyes were bloodshot and his face haggard.

and watched the cards as they came out with an eagerness tha

was vil

ied to make a "pot" to recoup himself, it

nd in his pocket and fo

d bent back, his eyes lowered and his face wearing an expr

th foll

cter and a situation he

uined!" he

who had been paying his respects to some bone

and drink, the fluctuations of the game

exclaimed; "you he

ine cast of countenance justified the epithet of

old you to kee


n't you follo

at I took the first downward step,

regarded h

he said, "have yo

rched and dry. I am on fire, brain and body. Is t

ed fool!"

s a fool to listen to your rose-colored st

ome! no

the shadow, and smoking a cigar, while he was ostensibly engaged in jotting down

an Markham!" exclaimed Clarence Holt. "But


is a limit to h

en did you find tha

ve lost a whole

t? I'll lend

rly. "You have made me forge the name of the manager of the bank


never p

red his voice al

u can,"


u have every

come a



nk of California, which he never signed, though you did it for him; and if those notes are prese

Holt groa

is man, and, struggle as he could,

on that Dan Markham had got the young m

forged the name of Mr. Simpson, the manager, to the extent

risked his whole mouth's

nd agitation were f

want of me?"


you take fo

ue, and then I'll hand

ed forward and

nderstand you to say that you

sand dollars to throw away on security which is only worth three, w

Mr. Smith, "and I sincerely commiserate this youn

ng bric

. Hand over the notes and

papers and bills, among which he searched unti

"I'd like to find a fool lik

ld y

d, I'd d

kham handed over the notes and receive

o Clarence Holt, he said: "Good-by. Take my adv

ith, he knocked the ash off

larence Holt graspe

hank you?" h

d Mr. Smith, "you have n



generous-hearted man. Give me the forged notes, that I may tear t

e curled the l

my young fri

do you

and that I have not done anything


nce fell again as he eja

ed one master for anot

tleman who, having by accident overheard a conversation which was not intended for hi

, if you please," i

wish to be

ify your inclination. Mr. Markham has han



n for acting in such

is a fancy of mine. I find

Holt bi

do yo

Street was handed to him, and, glancing

e said, "I shall kno

ire burnt in C

e to do your bid

authorities the notes I have bought. I presume they would see

d his hands tog

d. "Would to God I had taken my de

h looked

eh?" he



hat my opinion is not to be relied on; but I assure you, sir, that no artist

ong have you

ee y

n love

ed; more t

love, coming to a gambl

y to try and make money enough to pay off Markham, who has been my ruin. Now

twenty-dollar gold pi


m to me?" cried Cl

nding money to a pauper? I give this to yo

ter," said the young man

tongued with you," was the reply. "Go home

o further notice of Clarence, but he was seated in a manner

oward the door, as if full of vi

ard the lunch table, where he ate

were burning a h

o live upon for a month; but

could not stick to

ld try

wife, has got the baby to sleep by this time and is probably reading, while

buys some checks, with wh

the air of Mephisto,

some knowledge of character. He is a weak m

ailed, entered the saloon a

was searchin

for it is not the custom for the fair sex to ga

of the lunch-table

nt heah, ma'

entleman," she replie

ll night. It's as hard as de debbl

u know him. His name is Clare

for suah.

me if he is here. Where is t

es, Marse Holt him been gone an

n? Ah, me! what future

r face and sobbed, while th

y from the inner room, in wh

it me. It is all mine.


deceived me. Stand on one side. I heard

topped her had he been able to do so, but her mo

as come after Clarence. By Jove!" he added, as she raised her vail, "s

en fortunate enough to win largely, as a

tapped him on

e," she

while a flush of annoy

ve me. Come hom

you follow

inting a meeting here, and I knew you had your sal

ost fiercely. "Do you want every ma

ese men to y

en I am ready. You distr

hearted was she that she did not bestow one glance at the fe

onfronted by Mr. Smit

it me to have the honor of es

looked up i

rriage, sir,"

will get

no money to

is at your

"it would not be right for me to acc

am a friend of

now Clarence, will you not


re than that,


does come to you in half a

ed her little delicately-gloved hand on the arm of

if I had married him

airs together, and he

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