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The Son of Clemenceau


Word Count: 2769    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

m in that position into the shade. The passage was divided by the first lobby, and on the lamp was painted, back to back: "Men," "Ladies;" besides, a babble of feminine voices on the latt

cy in strength and courage with his own, she was worthier love than ever. At this view, too, he was sure that, unlike too many of the divas of these spielungs, or dens, she was not one of the stray creatures

boulane'-though I have never been farther east than Prague," she added with a contemptuous smile. "That was

ding to custom of the college, through Germany and t

g two Christian names and none of family, f

family. Perhaps, as I am of age

player. But my father can speak to you in the public room and see to your safety-for I fear this night's affair will end ill. But do not you fear! neithe

unless his head is not

dirty wall. It was brighter in

ve for 'our turn.' They were glad of the excuse-I fancy they were told it might occur-and they are trying to break our agreement

o him on the shoulder, and walked through the side-door. A number of benches were b

details obliterated in the upper part by smoke and in the lower by greasy heads and hands. Around the sides, a dais held benches and tables similar to those on the floor. At the far end was a bar for beer and other liquors less popular, and an entrance from a main street, screened and indirect, d

nnouncement of the items of attraction appearing on the stage was made by changeable sliding cards in framewo

re offensive element. There were faces as villainous as any under the immediate command of Grandmother "Baboushka;" and their dress was not much better. More than one dandy of the gutter nursed the head of a club called significantly the "lawbreaker's canes of crime," with a distant air of the fop sucking his cl

ial quality of the intervention saving him from an explanation to the poli

tronger reason, given up his place to another. This was the old Jew, but he would not have known him by his dress, it was so changed for t

n?" inquired Danie

ner, and felt that he could not sustain a dialogue with one who followed the Italian usage. H

before his new acquaintance could express his relief

s those v

ckmail regularly, like the other artists, for we are obliged to go home after midnight. Well, if he is in their hands, it is among congenial spirits. Tell me your name and as much of your affairs as you please to enlighten me with. I am

the young man related h

e was a mystery about his parentage; his mother was probably a native as he acquired the language as easily as the art of eating, the peasants said. His father had been killed, he thought, on one of those riots which, in a small

er the bullets," said Cla

rred homicide in any sha

ure, to which I had a bent. He was a Frenchman and I acquired his elegant tongue with that well-kn

with finish," int

over the frontier yet, and hardly will be soon if my passport is c

ke this haunt their rendezvous. All those painted women, as well as the waiter-girls, are spies and Dalilahs who betray the Samsons of crime to the police at any given moment. That would be neither here nor there, however, if my daughter and I were allowed to conclude our engagement-which, believe me, would never have been signed if we had guessed the character of the resort. Not only wou

efore the curtain, sticking one thumb in his waistband and the other in his vest armhole, to display a huge seal ring and a mammoth diamond hoop, respectively, as well as his idea of ease in company. He announced in a high flute-like voice that in consequence of indisposition, which a sworn medical affirmation confirmed-here he raised a laugh by sticking his to

ost sinister of aspect among the auditors, was vehement and so con

l fame. Of all the audience, only one felt indignant, and that was th

our lodgings; thankful if we succeed so far. In about an hour, will you not call, when we will resume our conversation which I wis

Persepolitan," so that if he lost the card, it might be in his mind, and nodded with a kind of gratefulness. The

n the brief period of its opening and closing, he spied the bright black orbs of the Jewess striving to catch a gl

at was already discussed. The family was existent, whether this variety vocalist was legitimately a daughter being another question. Vieradlers was a barony that had a right to fly its four eagles-as the name signifies-in the face of the double-headed king of the tribe. The baron was the latest of an old Bavari

ists have taken his cue. They are of the beer-barrel shape, coarse, rough, quarrelsome and quick to enter into a fight. It is the national dish of roast goose-a pugnacious bird-and bread of oatmeal that does it. They m

inking no one would comprehend their conversation. They were discussing the ascen

lthough the elder sister of one of those beauties notorious for their depravity in Paris. Perhaps, though, she secured her husband before her sister won this dubious celebrity. At all events, she lived blamelessly, but bad blood does not lie! This girl seems to aim at the reputation of her aunt, the celebrated Iza, whose portrait was painted, her figure copied in immortal marble, and her charms sung by


ay of disgrace. The Circe was to follow him, but, instead of that, she has shaken off the

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