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The Strolling Saint


Word Count: 4484    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

est I be in danger of becoming tedious. In themselves they contained

no of Mondolfo, and the excitement that the announcement caused was s

d for the first time this lord of theirs of whom they had heard Heaven knows what

owing accustomed to being stared at, I lost some of my shyness, and now it was that I became a trouble to Messer Arcolano

market-day and that the square was thronged with peasants from the Val

quious peasantry fell away before me, making way invitingly. But Messer Arcolano urged me along, saying that

raw rein and cry out in my amazement at so wonderful a piece of work, plaguing Arcolano with a score of questions concerning the identity

tly that the reptile was the sculptor's pious symb

demigod had a place in the Calendar or not. For he was an uncultured, plebeian fellow, and what my mother should have found in him to induce her to prefer him fo

me lower. A score of times did it seem to me that one of these brown-legged, lithe, comely creatures was my little Luisina; and more than onc

hind me would nudge one another and wink to see me-as they thought-so very far off the road to priesthood

hat I had seen, and infected a little by the fever of life through which I had just passed. At last, I remember that I turned to Arco

and with that he began a homily, which lasted for many a weary mile, upon the vanities of the world and the glories of Paradis

on before we caught our first glimpse of the city by the Po, lying low as it does in the vast Aemilian plain, and Ar

we did not enter, as I had hoped. Messer Arcolano had had enough of me and my questions at Mondolfo, and he was no

ern side, until we emerged suddenly upon the sands of Po, and I had my first view at close quarters of that migh

o watch their operations. But Arcolano urged me onward with that impatience of his which took no account of my very natural curiosity. Present

ack from the road on slightly rising ground near the Fodesta Gate. He bade one of the grooms get down and op

ed the merest hut. It was painted white, and it had green Venetian shutters which gave it a cool and pleasant ai

n man whose restless eyes surveyed us swiftly, whose thin-lipped mouth smiled a greeting to Messer

der whom I was to study, and with whom I was t

y over me, I surveyed him with the profoundest

that surrounded the back of his head, on a level with his enormous ears, and his forehead ran up to the summit of his egg-shaped head. His nose was pendulous and his eyes were closely set, with too crafty a look for honesty. He wore no beard, and his

ed and washed his b

ourney, then," he purre

he heaved his rotundity from the saddle

ifanti turned to survey

" said he. "Salve! Be welcome

pted his proffered h

and from the house came hurrying an elderly se

pressed Arcolano to come within and rest; he spoke, too, of some Vesuvian wine that h

e must return at once and render an account of our safe journey to the Countess at Mondolfo. If he tarried now it would grow late ere he reached Mondolfo, and lat

as Messer Arcolano, the priest made his farewells. He gave me his blessing and enjoined upon me obedience to one

I must be in need of refreshment; and with that he led me within doors, assuring me tha

is odious, sycophantic geniality, "ma

aics, into a chamber of good proportions, which seemed

d in grey and brownish red a scene which, I was subsequently to learn, represented the metamorphosis of Actaeon. At the moment I did

hese was slight and little, very dark and vivacious with eyes full of a malicious humour. The other, of very noble proportions, of a fine, willowy height, with coiled ropes of hair of a colour such as I had never dreamed could be found upon human being. It was ruddy and glowed like

wards me with a slow smile, holding out her hand

ino," said Fifan

e credible on the score of their respective years, though equa

ere now raised to the level of my own. I lowered my glance abashed, and answered her as courteou

d beard, tiny mustachios, and long, fair hair that fell in waves about his effeminate face. He had the whitest of hands, very delicately veined in blue, and it was-as I soon observed-his habit to carry them raised, so that the blood might

g prepared for the revelation of his true eminence-never dreaming that a man

berto Gambara, Cardinal of Brescia, Governor o

umed personage was a shock to me; for it was not thus by much th

e world, and he languidly held out to me the hand bearing his ring. I knelt to kiss

looked up at me con

he half turned to a young man who sat beside him, a man at whom I was eag

g as tightly and smoothly as if he had been kneaded into them-as, indeed, he had. But it was his face that held my eyes. It was a sun-tanned, shaven hawk-face wi

amily, Cosimo," were the words with which he startled me, and

n as I knew at once he was. For he must be that guelphic Anguissola renegade who served the Pope and was high in favou

to my father. So must my father have looked when he was this fellow's age. He returned my glance with

e, "for I think I do you the ho

himself he flatters himself grossly, which, as you know him better, you will discover to be his inveterate habit. He is

er Cosimo with them,

there, beside the little sloe-eyed lady. This last was a cousin of her ow

ave one, whose name was to be well known-nay, was well known al

f a habit of body inclining to portliness, and his age may have been forty. His face was bearded, ruddy, and small-featured, and there was about him an air of smug prosperity; he was dressed with care, but he had none o

d their names escape me, though I seem to remember that one was named

I was hungry, and I fell to with zest, what time a pleasant ripple of talk ran round the board. Facing me sat my cousin, and I never observed until my hunger was be

they are to make a pr

answered soberly,

y," lisped the Cardinal-legate, "you may l

such words. "Not so, magnificent," I made an

d suddenly been thrust under his nose. He shrugged and pouted and had fresh

it order of St. Augusti

full voice. "He aspires not t

r house, Fifanti?" quoth the Cardin

a jest I did not understand any mor

iled foolishly, and washed his hands in the air again, his mind fumbling for an answe

e, and smiled very boldly across at Fifanti's lady who sat besid

sighed furiously, whilst she chid him for his boldness; and for all that much of what they said was in a language that might have been unknown to m

icked men," she said, "and if you aspire to holiness, t

ld as to confess it, and I wondered why they s

is path of holiness," sa

quoth Caro, who had a very bitter tongue for

mong sinners," answered the Cardinal, comprehending the company in h

different sort!" cried the l

roverb as to the gallantry of priests. It is like the love of women, which agai

n, shall anyone blame the women?" sh

artedly, whilst my cousin scowled. "There you have the

peak of the dead at

e dead, Messer Annib

nal mention Truth?" an

id the Cardinal languidly. "Stick to y

d quit writing verses. I offer the compact in the

d Gambara seemed nowise incensed. Indeed, I was beginning to conclude that t

d it up to the light so that the deep ru

t I have written a

inned indeed,"

ption, his glass still raised, his mi

s saepe


eas su

O tu V

measure at as much as I understood, to hear such sentiment

er. Caro smote the

ou that, my l

l, frowning at the interr

case, my lord, memory usurped the place of invention. That song was sung at

, pray? Can we avoid these things? Why, the very Virgil

iscussion about the board, in which all joined,

re entirely strange to me, to the arguing of mysteries which seem

all listened to him as to a master, what time he delivered himself of his opinions and criticisms of this V

whisper to Leocadia under cover of his hand, ogling her what time she simpered. Once or twice Monna Giuliana flashed him an unfrien

gathered then-was engaged upon a translation of Virgil into Tuscan, and who, therefore, might be accoun

siasm he seemed suddenly ennobled, and I found him less antipathic; indeed, I began to see somethin

it came to pass that so distinguished a company frequented

a creature as Madonna Giuliana. I thought that I obtained glimpses of the charm which that elderly man mig

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