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Among the River Pirates


Word Count: 1320    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

r behind, ignoring shouts from its deck to hal

say goodnight to the mate an’ you got in the boat an’ told me so cranky an’ all to push off before I got a chance

what seemed to Skippy an interminable time, he rocked to and fro

y could stand

’s the matter! Gee, it’s som

e M. Baxter jest as quick as yer kin! I got ter put as muc


ream. I can’t make head or tail uv it yet. I went

kippy en

like Ol’ Flint does. He’s a man uv few words. Anyways, I goes in a

Skippy asked clenching h

n’ the way he’d cheated me an’ I got tellin’ him so but he didn’t say nothin’, but jest kep’ sittin’ there a-grinnin’ that funny way. Well, I knowed as how he always was a ma

r him?” Skippy in

in hardly remember what happened ’ceptin’ I realized all uv a su

ny noise or anythin’?

und outa him all the time. His eyes seemed ter git funnier lookin’ though, but he kep’ on grinnin’ je


the back,” Toby whispere


ully. “Then I knew he musta been dead all

too g

hat then, if he really was dead

him up that way after it happened. I could see in his bedroom off uv the room h

red as if to himself. Then, in a f

groaned. “I don’t even remember how long I stood there.

rting. “Who—what groaned that time? The se

orta come ter me full in the face an’ I was so f

r a few moments searched th

dn’t you tell the second mate, an’ me, right then? Why—why didn’t you

have ter admit ter that mate that I was mad enough ter choke Ol’ Flint ter death—he could see my fingers there ter pr

you only had

ere ter tell nobody nothin’, Skippy. Besides, do I know I didn’t choke him ter—ter...” He sobbed a m

rasped Toby’s damp flann

t him grinnin’ like from the time you got inside the room.” He hesitated a moment, then: “You

sound, Sonny—I d

g the little motor boat upstream. His tired young f

ck and head her downstream again an’ I’m goin’ aboard that Apollyon an’ explain the whole thing. I’ll tell ’em every

nued to rock back and forth

d turn ’round with me an’ go back an’ tel

ack ter the Minnie M. Baxter an’ think. Like a good b

nd over and over again he told himself the story of Josiah Flint’s strange death just as Toby had told it. But with each recurring thought, a strange suspicion asserted

xter, Skippy was fearful that possibly, after all, his father

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