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The Vagrant Duke


Word Count: 4373    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

him showed her sense of hi

rom your father

been killed in a railway accident out West. I

have had a pretty h

ouble? She had an uncle who went bad too-he was younger than she was-my great-uncle

he dea

ep me out of the kitchen. But I thought he was up to some funny business and stayed. He took a fancy to me. He said he was camera man in the movies. He wanted me to go with him-thought I could be as g

nced at him inquiringly, "Did you notice that your Aunt T

but she said she was only s

very much

to be-especially since Mr. McG

could have seen John Bray-that he

ise. "I never thought of it-and yet,"

ail of a clew to the mystery, but she had already told him so mu

rs. Bergen's. If anything should turn up to make you unhappy or to

nything is goin' to

was nonc

d count on me--" he said soberly. "

ug, "even if Aunt Tillie is. He can't do anything to m

own fists in her excite

nybody who tried to make you do anyt

gged, lantern-jawed, old buzzard was comin' a


But I'm not afraid of Jack Br

spiring prowler, the night vigils, the secrecy-all seemed to fade into a piece of hobbledehoy buff

at last night Mr. McGuire saw the same person your Aunt Tillie

her eyes wide

Did he have another spell l

seen outside the drawing-room window the face of

she gasped. "And you

or of the kitchen. You didn't hear her. I did. T

" she said in

uire saw him. Andy saw him too,

nt was growing

ing about what was frightening Mr.

alf out of her wits. I spoke to her after you went home. She wouldn't say a word. She

ave to do with Mr. McGuire?

do. I wouldn't have told you this if

did you

id," replied P

beat an

ng for you, whatever it may be to Mr. McGuire or Mrs. Bergen. If the ma

Beth broke in, moving toward the door.

with you,

ock House, Peter was almost tempted to forget the terrors of the redoubtable McGuire. A man of his type hardly lapses into hysteria at the mere thought of a "bandy-legged buzzard." And yet McGuire's terrors had been so real

McGuire," Beth said suddenly. "She just

hat McGuire and this John Bray

re be doin' with him?

r la

doing with McGui

ay," said Beth confident

ad been looking past the tree trunks toward the beginnings of the lawn

t?" she ask

far from the path was a square of cardboard, but Beth's eyes were kee

ayon upon the reverse of one of Jonathan McGuire's neat trespass signs, and nailed



to. I'll come for my answer at eleven Friday night-at this


red Beth, "wh

said Peter

riumphantly, "I knew it

her in earnest, doesn't he

a joke. It must

the placard down and turned i

I don't believe it is. It's addressed t

d Beth. And then, "But i

to me as if this message must have come

oked be

to do with-with Hawk? She ne

t isn't a real n

righten Mr. McGuire?"

ll the props had fallen

not is what I want to know. And I

through the trees toward the creek,

u and I don't think I'll see Aunt Till

-," he

y, Mr.

er--" he

Thanks for the playin'. Wi

going to get y

music?" s


know if I can help-

her head an

to the Cabin because she had wanted to hear him play, because she had wanted to sing for him, because too his promises had excited her curiosity about him, and inspired a hope of his assistance. But the visit had flattered Peter. He wasn't inured to this sort of frankness. It was perhaps the gr

stood the headlong impulse that brought her, had never occurred to Beth. The self-consciousness of the first few moments had been wafted away on the melody of the mu

ther curious now. And yet he experienced a sort of mild satisfaction that he had resisted so trying a temptation. If she hadn't been so sure of him.... Idealism? Perhaps. The same sort of idealism that had made Peter believe the people at Zukovo w

fterthought, born of something that had passed between them? Or was it merely a feminine instinct seeking expression? Peter didn't

Beth's "bandy-legged buzzard." He knew little of movie camera men, but imagined them rather given to the depiction of villainies than the accomplishment of them. And a coward who would prey upon an old woman and a child could hardly be of the metal to attempt such big game as McGuire. The mystery dee

. It was all very perplexing. But here in his hand he held the tangible evidence of McGuire's fears. "You know what I've got and I know what you've got." The sentence seemed to have a cabalistic significance-a pact-a threat which each man held over the other. Perhaps it wasn't money only that "Hawk" wanted. Whatever it was, he meant to have it, and so

things mysterious must, and he could not forget that he was, for the present, part policeman, part detective; but forestry was his real job here and ever

ple, intent upon their own pursuits. He was glad that none of them noticed him and meet

uire expects you just

I must see him," said

was admitted to him bespoke a long night of anxiety and vigil. Wearing an incongruous

said rather

r. McGuire, but something ha

ped out, eying the roll of cardboard

d and shrug

even justified in calling it to your attention, but I foun

e noting the printing of the trespass si

it carefully, he laid it flat on the table beside his employer's bre

s bald spot were eloquent enough. And the hands which held the extraordinary document were far from steady. The gay flowers of the dressing gown mocked the pitiable figure it concealed, which seemed suddenly to sag in

d this?" asked

tuck on a tree with this hasp-knife," and Peter

it slowly over in his fingers. "

them to you," said Peter,

rayon scrawl and as he said nothing more Peter tur

thing else jus

Peter paused. And then, "Did an

en's niece-she

er's niece. A

y think so. It seemed

regarding Peter intently. "Where-whe

the wood-at the f

as though seeking to pick out the single tree marked for his exacerbation. Then jerked himself a

l!" he swore in

said Peter with

rmchair. "It can't-be done," he muttered, half to himself, a

-," he said aloud,

ke?" asked Peter, r

ke? I don't want it talked about," he muttered with


I can't have all the neig

ll speak to her. In the meanwhil

ered and then came back to Peter's face. What he found there seemed to

commanded. "Shut the doo

and some disappointment, but he

t this message, Nichols-coming in suc

ter. "We've done all we could to protect y

breed. The thing can't go on. I've

coming again F

embling along the placard, "I've got to do

gh each of them was wrenched from his throa

you've seen this, I-I'll have to tell you

employer's manner and curious

Nichols-a bitter enemy-unscrupulous-a man better dead

" said Peter

sort of thing goin' on-with everybody in Black Rock reading t

etty sure

re placards. I've got to stop that, Nich

you may t

e man I came down here to get away from." Peter waited while McGuire paused. "You may think it's very strang

in his hands, reading the line whi

-out West and signed. That paper is of great value to me. As long as he holds it I--," McGuire halted to wipe the sweat

put in Peter quietly.

refused him-there's no end to blackmail once you yield-and I came down

sure he had i

den somewhere. I've got to get this money for him-from Ne


ichols-this tim

sir," said

whining. "This is no ordinary case-no ordinary blackmail. I've got to be quick.


ay. Peggy is going back this afternoon. I'll get her to drive you up. I'll 'phone


te this. I won't be bothered to-night. I'll shut the house ti

that you'll go out to him with

" said McGuire, watchin

as being drawn more deeply into the plot th

tone and at once got up and la

ou. Why should he have? I haven't any one else that I can trust-but Stryker. And Stryker-well-I'd have to tell Stryker. You know already. Don't say y

inging creature pawing at his shoulders. Peter had never liked to be pawed. It

aside and releasing himself from the clinging f

Guire, in a tone of relief. "You'll jus

?" asked Peter in surprise

In the meanwhile--" The old man paused, a crafty look in his eyes, "I

ely what?" aske

im and then turned a

n't be you

ame here as a forester and superintendent. I agreed also to guard you

ff the handle. We'll just cross this bridge first. I-I

id Peter finally, "

faced Peter, his water

ols, to say nothing

ll keep

g to Sh


is-this niece of t


p of relief and sa

Peggy's going about four. Come back her

Stryker straightened and bowed uncomfortably. But

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