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A Day of Fate


Word Count: 3752    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

sense that it was my body only that was weak and exhausted by disease, for my mind seemed singularly elastic, and I felt as if the weight of years an

ouquet, that, for some reason, suggested Adah. "It's very pretty," I thought, "but it lacks the dainty, refined quality of the

ore very long a musical laugh that thrilled every nerve with delight

he entreated me to live. Reuben's words suggested that she was depressed while I was in danger, and buoyant after the crisis had passed. That she feels as I do I cannot yet hope. But what the mischief do she and Adah mean by saying that

y the entrance of Mrs. Yocomb with a

always welcome; and that bowl is

way. "I'll kill for you a young gobbler that Emily Warren think

already devoted to Miss Warren's Thanksgiving dinner.

and Mr. Yocomb cast a quick

point, and then all comes to a full stop.

o have father tell thee what thee said when out of thy mind from fever. I c

ery suddenly. One thing is clear: you are the kindest p

we didn't turn thee out of doors or

t to become very ill, and I started off in the dark and never stopped till I reached the shelter of Mrs. Yocom

rotested Mr. Yocomb, as

n on editors: I mak

d not expect to be treated one hundred

editors or otherwise. Th

l as if I had made too rich a

had thy turn, and mus

fast and his medicine.

nurse in town, and betw

family I have a

on a rueful look. "I do it, thee knows, to set the children an example.

d with emphasis, and I imagine that Mrs. Yocomb gave

nues to improve so nicely, we can move thee

"Mr. Yocomb, they are spoiling me. I feel like a great petted boy, and beh

ner. Keep on-keep on," and his geni

lah flitted in and out with h

at thee, but I mustn't

hanging on her arm, brought me a dain

em for thee," she said,

. "I fear my memory is playing me sad tric

es thee t

color has got i

ike them-the stra

d, "I like both. I don't see ho

ity pallor best," she r

trawberry came into my face, for she

sewing and sit here by the door for a while. Call me if

to have me stay?"

I eat these strawberries? I've d

ys so, and thee'll pro

tle, and her words had much of their old directness and simplicity; but the former flippancy and coloring of small vanity was absent. Her simple morning costume was scrupulously neat, and quite as becoming as the Sunday muslin which

ed very much," I thought, "and

uestion or two. "Surely the little girl would not have don

ged, Miss Adah. What

uestion, and did not answer for a

says, it's time I

kes you now as she

ily Warren best-s

ren differently from the way in which she just looked at yo

t think a

urself as much as you did. Perhaps

lf at all any more," and

ith Mrs. Yocomb, and Ad

rapid convalescence, and giving a medicine that

Reuben quietly busy at his carving, dozed again in a delicious, dreamy r

may I c

be stone dead before I could be unmoved by thos

exclaimed; "and you ha

mily. Would thee mind staying with Richard for a little while? I wa

e for a time, and will

needs a

the rosebuds. They were taken away this morning; but I had them brought back and placed here where I could touch them.

nd colored slightly, bu

a poor nurse if I le

romise to listen as l

on an agreea

ame to life. It seems as if I had been dead, and I can't recall a thing tha

g very bad. Mr. Morton, you can't realize how gl

I would like to think that you are very glad. Do

ed, looking away, with somet

ed to become a part of the sunshine that was shimmering on the elm-leaves that swayed to and fro before my window

t it's empty, and the q

mouth and swallow' are

arden all day long. The

h young life, unshadowed

l always keep you young at heart. I can't imagine yo

rton," she said, with a trace

was a characteristic of

d, smoothing her brow as if this were an excuse for

if I did, it would seem impossible to be conventional in this house. Am I not the most singularly fortunate man that ever existed? Like a fool I had broken my

ng to herself; "so strange that I cannot understand it. Life is

yle," I said, laughing. "My only dread is getting out of the

hall all leave you

have done t

she asked, with her brow slightly knitte

I'm tempted to think it is

aid a great deal

you playing Chopin's nocturne as distinctly as I see you now. Do you know that I had the fancy that the cluster

ul. I hope you will grow mo

ught me slightly in

you would see things just as

t as they seem to me. Perhaps I

ful. If you don't improve in this respect, you'll have to take a course in

e garden, and you were to invite me into the arb

ill pull up t

t show me which

e out into a low laugh at this reminiscence, and said: "Afte

est. "A most important exception," she responded, her old troubled look coming back. "But you are talking

. You are doing me good every moment, and it's

our editorial friends must think a great deal of you, or else you are valuable to them, for your chief writes to Mr. Yoc

e's faith in human nature. I didn't know wheth

" she said r

after your words. Indeed I imagine that you were the only reason I did live. It was your

eagerly, and a rich glow of

had a subtle power over

ist, and don

now," she s

reated. "I've a mess

resolutely n

her-why is it gettin

shower," and she glanced app

look on your face bef

essage for M

anger the other day. Then Adah and-pardon me-you also used expressions which puzzle me very much. I can't understand how I became ill so suddenly. I was feeling superbly that Sunday evening, and then everything be

to tell when Mrs. Yocomb hasn't

augh isn't natural. I never heard you

s the window, and the girl gave an

rough my mind. In strong and momentary excitement I rose on my

, in a low, distressed voice, and she cam

and I sank back faint and crushed. "I had no ri


oo weak to be a man, and I

et well-you pro

low, bitter tone. "Wh


blight my life?" she as

blame f

vitable. Curses on a world in

If this should go against you-if you wi

ke the whole comfort of that truth. Nor was I either. That Sunday was the day of my fate, since for me to see you was to love you by

s, "you saved this home; you saved Mrs. Yocomb's

aned. "All would then have been

. "I can't-oh, I can't endure this!" she m

I shall be like a planet hereafter. The little happiness I have will be but a pale reflection of yours. If you are unhappy, I shall be so inevitably. Not a shadow of blame rests on you-the first fair woman was not truer than you. I'll do my

ill-so changed-

ed my life," she breathed softly; but as she

b," she sobbed,

could not h

ot-it came to h

lame for anything-only myself. Please keep my secret; it sh

ard M

e time. I'm too sorely wo

stances," she said, firmly, "and it is your first and

nything that will make me strong, so that I may keep my word

and with thee, as if thee were my own son. But I wish thee to rem

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