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The White Crystals


Word Count: 2228    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

sufficiently a redman to make the boy wonder how in the world he ever came there. On his side the

ola!" he repea

t his companion had only greeted him in the

" answered

did," went on Roger. "The wild-cat ha

y. Light fire. Wild-cat heap 'fraid

epeated Roger in

Green. My boy, he

es from that," said the boy. "Names like

Injun. Have tame name. Live to Res

trouble in understanding, "I am staying with my uncle, Bert Kimball, at Cardiff,

ll yo' say


by Car

o you k

ert an' me good

st few minutes. He was no longer in fear of the wild-cat, and, as for the Indian, he thought, rightly, that he need

, and returned presently, lugging the body of the wild-cat, which he threw on the ground near the smouldering fire. Seeing that the blaze was dying out for lack of fuel, Roger cast on some tw

the carcass of the dead animal he had shot. "

s?" asked Roger, and Johnn

ome, when you are through huntin

ding of his rifle, and then proceeded to tie the legs of his prize. He slung the body about his ne

the dry woods, and then he started off through the forest, seeming to strike

ng the unhesitating manner in which the Indian picked his way through the maze of trees. It was what might be expected of a wild Indian, Roger thought; of one who had lived all his life in the open. But here was apparently a civilized redman, who

Johnny Green would guide him safely to his uncle's house? Once he was almost on the point of turning back, but the thought of the dark forest into which he would have t

wood, and if Roger didn't want to be taken home, what concern was it of Johnny Green's? Reasoning thus, the boy concluded i

d as he was, found it difficult to keep his guide in sight. Perhaps the Indian heard the boy breathing rather heavy because of the exertions, or he might have recalled that his legs were longer and tougher than his companion's. At any rate, Johnny Green slackened his pace, and Roger was glad of it. Half a mile of travel along the wood trail brought the two out into the main road, and R

Green. It was the first time h

e?" aske

shiver, so he was glad of the vigorous exercise that kept his blood in circulation. It was lonesome too, even though Johnny Green was just ahead of him, and the boy listened, with a sort of dread, to the mournful hooting of the

ned, and held up

, but at first its character could not be distinguished. Then

hnny Green, turning quick


" he announced. "B

?" joy

. Li

however. It increased his respect for Johnny Green's attainments t

n a long, loud, shrill, far-carrying hall

uld scarcely distinguish his own name, and he, too

n another flickering light appeared. Roger ran toward them, and Johnny Green hurried on also. Ne

g across his shoulders. It didn't take long for Roger to tell his experience, and the words of praise that came from his uncle and cousin, at his wise and brave conduct in the fight with the beast, more

commented the farmer, as

oger of Adrian. "Did som

e first time he ever ran away and he rather liked it, for he never stopped galloping until I got to Enberry Took's house, though I sawed on the lines for all I was worth. When I found I was so near home I thought I'd better go on, put the rig up, and get dad to come back with me to find you, f

ong just when he did," said Roger, "or th

it's all th' same t' ye two boys, we'll git 'long hum, 'n' relieve th' wom

rdiff, the two boys walking behi

in a low tone, "i

. It's about three miles from Cardiff. I meant to tell you about them, but I forgot it. They're full-blooded Indians, but they're not wild, though some of the olde

cabin. Roger found his aunt and pretty cousin waiting for him in great anxiety, and very glad indeed were they to see him again, and to learn that he had come to no great harm, though he had

the soreness out,"

d, at any rat

e some supper," went on

" spoke up Mr. Kimball, looking at his b

omething to eat," said Roger

hed Clara, as she set

appetites, for when the others heard what happened to Roge

ain by Roger, and when he had finished

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