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The Dock Rats of New York

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1921    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

istening detective discerned,

ark eyes on the old

from me; come now, I will pay you one hun

d dollars?" Pearce excl

, I

y the money


show the

e-stained letter he had been reading when the detective fir

r, but I will read just one porti

ing a box-a sealed box-which I was never to open until Renie should reach the age of twenty-one, or be called for by parties claiming her as their child. I was given to understand that the box contained proofs of the dear child's birth and parentage, and it was hinted that some day she would inhe

e letter had no bea

devoted to ge

ntary silence. The man Garcia appeared to be lost in deep though

nterval Ga

hat the proofs of the girl's identi


ep her prom

inform me' where t



ithout making t

died very

r search ove


e across the s


did not make a c

n those days, and it's my idea that many

man Garcia glist

kes you

hints now and then, and always said that R

en claimed by

her friends claimed her or not; and what is more, money

as been allowed

ife always found the money to pay the bills; the girl thinks she was educated out of my hard

er searched


e your wife ev

ger who had some magnificent jewels, and my wife said to me: 'I'll wager I could-show jewels handsom

elations, and he made up his mind that th

have searched


or gained any clew a


ny knowledge

my wife ever made a co

rl ever spo


never mentio


your wife wh


e a final revelat


as your wif

ee y

e charge of the girl; but tell me all the circumstan

's thought the


ome and trim-built yacht come sailing through the channel; and running up the ba

hen addressed by some of the fishermen; but I tell you his great black eyes were busy glancing around. No one knew at the time what he was

faces of the people here

made inquiries here and there, and as events pro

bring her

mainland having a carouse, and toward morning took the chances of crossing the bay in a catboat to my home. How I ever reached here in safety I'll never tell, but I ran on to the beach all right, and footed to my shanty! Well, sir,

d, 'where did you get th

n the following day she would tell me all about it. Well, you see I was pretty well fagged out, and I always ha

ange man who had come ashore from the yacht, entered our cabin having a bundle wrapped in his arms, and she to

year old when plac

s all,

, pro

the child in her charge, and that we were to be well paid for its kee

an ever co

ht sailed away and never since has her prow plowed the waters of the

ng ago did

eventeen yea

about eighte


y that she will


that the box wil


detective in his own mind resolved that he would find that box, if it

st let me ha

but the girl he

e d


e spoken

ho would bring her up as his own child; but she answered that she did not w

compelled t

't like t

girl, and I will pay, you two

ill not go


u mean to

her in my house, she will find things so pleasant and del

me, and I would not betray her confidence, not even for two thousand dollars

we can do, Tom; you

o visi


be able to persua

re, why is it you are so anxiou

lovely and beautiful living i

ia, do you mean

could prompt you t

don't mean just what's right. Now, see here; it wouldn't do for you to mean

is knife front his belt and laid it

irl with me; but whe

s to roam the beach; she's a strange girl, s

to bring her to Ne

the matter

were cut short by a shrill scream of ago

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