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They Looked and Loved


Word Count: 1144    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y, and mirrored itself in the ocean as it rolled its long and h

grounds dotted with trees and shrubberies. Up in the second story a dim light gleamed from an open casement, and fr

ere. The old man had stayed only one hour, at the end of which he had accompanied his bride to he

great wealth. I am many times a millionaire. Ah, Farnham, the miser, eking out his wretched life by selling cigars on the elevated railroad, but

opping the cold hand he had taken in

or a year,

ber, with the shadow of a fateful tragedy looming over her unconscious head and

ntly upon the door, b

d you to-night.

g from her window, watching the moonlight on the sea and the

ge that he should have brought me here! He

d to the voice of the sea as the surf broke continuously upon

were young and handsome, and we loved each other; but, alas, I am forever cut o

had left her like some beautiful, untamed, wild bird-untrammeled by conventionaliti

. We love you, we

tole down to the beach, and stood there dreamily, her gr

d ever been here before. I wonder if old Meg, the fortune-telle

a tumble-down old shanty that had evidently been constructed out of the black hull of an ancient wrec

ere still, t

h the dim little panes into the shan

hat is that old

close converse with-Farnham, the miser. It flashed into her mind that he was seeking from old Meg

ll humbug," she thought impatiently, and bent her ear to listen

e, Farnham, or I will tear her from that stately home. I will make her my sla

and gripped the virago's wrist so

ember. She belongs to me now, for I found her after you had let her escape your clutches. No wonder she fled from y

wanted," Meg gro

at her incoherent ravings. To Nita it seemed plain that the fiendish pair sha

though old Meg has told me a hundred times that I was cast up by the sea. Wh

uched the knob to throw it open. A moment's indecision, then her b

urder me," and she hurried from t

allowed up in the gloom, Nita stopped a moment to take b

ing mystery!" she cried, stretching out her

us terror, and ran wildly a few paces farther along the shore. A broken shell pierced the sole of her thin shoe, but she limped painfully on, h

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