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Told in the East

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1139    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y. Movement was the keynote of the picture-stealthy, not-yet-quite-confident pack-movement on the one hand, c

e the most effect. There was no thought of anything but action, and offensive, not defensive action. Until some one at the head of things proved still to be alive, and had had time to form a plan, each divisional c

ality persisted that has done more even that the fighting-quality to teach the English tongue to half the world. The native servants who had not yet run away retained their pl

sted wrongly is far more dangerous than one who is held in suspicion. But it never was the slightest use endeavoring to persuade an average English officer that his own man could be anything but loyal. He may be a thief and a liar and a proved-u

were preaching and promising the reward of highest heaven to all who could kill an Englishman or die in the attempt, a native cook whose antecedents were obscured in m

y, and chewing something as he rode among the men, and saw that they filled their bellies properly. He had made up his mind to march on Harumpore, and

He was so busy wondering what might be happening to all the other men subordinate to him, who would have to be acting on their own initiative, that his own plans lacked something of directness. But there was no lack of decision, and no t

dian theology, the cook was wafted off to paradise, while General Baines betook himself to hell, or was betaken. But the co

onel Kendrick's column, which was coming out of Harumpore because things were not brisk enough in that p

ed, for they had told him of G

haired officer who r

sir, by two years,

u comman

ls are in strength there, and they have perpetrated an abominable outrage. There we will punish them, or else we'll all die in the attempt! If we have to raze Jailpore to the ground, and put every

at the approaching column, but the man who h

up in hollow square, then, and I'll say a few words to them. There are

handle to it; no reserve-nothing but generous and unconditional allegiance unto hunger, thirst, pain, weariness, disease or death. It takes a real commander to draw that kind of answer from a tired-out colum

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