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Tom Gerrard

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1653    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

walking his horse, slowly rode up to the bluff, a

as I was coming along the beach and so turned off. Am

re for both Kaburie and the Gully; the main tr

" Then again raising his hat to Kate, he sai

rd of Ocho Rios, I am sure, for I have seen your p

certain that you were the young lady whom Mr Lace

hed merrily. "Mr Gerrard, this is my friend, the Reverend

m and his fair companion as if he had known them for years, and both Forde a

Peninsula. Of course," she added, with her usual serene frankness, "I am very, very sorry that Mrs Tallis is not coming back, for we are great friends, and always exch

rd with assumed gravity, th

ugh to say that most men do

nd, and humbly beg you to instruct me what to do; and further

Forde with a laugh, as he rose to go to his horse; "y

rson being in the running," said quietly, "I certainly am a most forgetful man, Miss Fraser, and a

ely divined that Gerrard had purposely deferred giving her the let

she placed the letter in the pocket of

so. He has had a very bad attack of fever this time

rry.' And I am so really, really glad to meet you, Mr Gerrard. Randolph

Lacey a couple of days ago. His own

ot ever speak to me of Mr Aulain in connection with the Native Police. I loathe and detest

ual Inspector, Miss Fraser. No one has ever accused him of

ost here on the coast some years ago, and some of the crew killed by the blacks, the Government acted most cruelly. The Native Police not on

The blacks in this part of the colony are bad enough, but on Cape York Peninsula, they are worse-daring and ferocious cannibals. The in

ellow, Mr Gerrard, for spe

, and so terrify a large mob of cattle that they will seek refuge in the ranges, and eventually become so wild as to be irrecoverable. I can put down my losses alone fr

but said no mor

he said as Forde returned. "It will be so pleasant for father

e on to, Kaburie with me in the morning, show me the ropes, and tell me som

lease it from poor Mrs Tallis, but she wanted to sell outright, so father has to keep 'pegging away' at the claim

e rough, bark-roofed shed with uncovered sides, which contained the battery plant, and Fraser's equally unpretentious dwelling, which, with three or four miners' huts constituted the camp. A bright, brawling little mountain stream, with high

loud coo-e-e! and came towards them. He was bareheaded, and clad in a coarse flannel singlet, and dirty moleskin pants, with knee-boots; and his perspiring fac

'found' Mr Forde, and this is Mr Gerrard, who is going

house, Kate, and I'll follow you soon. Give Forde and Mr Gerrard towels. I daresay they'll be glad of

oing, father?

ame, about half

"she." Sometimes "she" is a "bully-boy with a glass eye; going four ounces to the ton

quick sympathy for her sprung up in his heart. And to Fraser himself he had taken an instantaneous liking. Those big, light-grey Scots

" he said to himself, as he wa

aser?" asked Kate, "I really bel

as grown on me from being so much alone. What a sp

yes made Tom Gerrard's heart quicken as it

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