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A Rock in the Baltic


Word Count: 3715    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

esting on her lap, while tears had left their traces on her time-worn face. The elder daughter paced up and down the room as striking an example of energy and impatience as was the mother of de

the United States squadron seated like white swans in the water. Sails of snow glistened here and there on the bosom

re constructed. There was no carpet on the floor, and no ceiling overhead; merely the bare rafters and the boards that bore the pin

d to and fro, spoke with ner

hat there may be. The woman has been gone for hours. There's her lunch on th

ere dishes whose cold contents b

ving her eyes from H.M.S. "Consternation." "I shouldn't wonder if we we

nfully. "It's the silly sentimental fashion in which both you and father treat work-people

y as we are, and sometimes I think rather more of a lady

," sniffed t

know," replied the y

ts in her position, with your Dorothy th

dfather and godmother," murmured t

ise, and throw oil on the troubled waters, "that she is entitled to

indignantly, indicating her

mma and I that have a right to complain. Our dresses are almost untouched, while you can sail grandly along the decks of the 'Consternation' li

rrected the mother, who kne

ss we all have grand new dresses, but mother can put on her ol

ing our money, and absenting he

ation. Why, I don't suppose Dorothy has had a penny for three

d the mother mildly, "that

has gone out. She hasn't had a bite to eat since breakfast time, and I k

to be absent withou

were a sailor on a batt

ds, partially overcome by the crisis. "Did she say anything about going ou

exclaimed Sab

gone," said Katherine

fore?" exclaimed mother and dau

next him at the dinner last night, and says he is a jolly old salt and a bachelor. Papa was tremendously taken with him, and they discussed tactics togethe

the mother seriously. "I wish you wouldn't talk so carelessly

nce, and now for the first time during this conversation the young girl turned

of this?" cried Sabina before her f

exertion of coming up the stairs, and her eyes shone like those of the Goddess of Freedom

ined," she

go away witho

to do which could not be

y question. Why did yo

r shapely wrists close together, and a bit of the f

ly, "the shackles have f

a, apparently impressed in spite of herself, but

don't know what you mean either, but you look

interrupted the elder s

to sew here no longe

n we are helpless; when there is not a sewing woman to be had in the place for love or money. Every one

e money," sneered the e

hands, "do you mean to say I must attend the ball in a calico dress af

d her mother, "don

the question, kindness does not c

d when Sabina mention

's entirely a question

an exaggerated sigh. "I wish it were a fancy dress ball,

ocked at you," com

val cadet. But, Dorothy, you must be starved

ything to-day," said Sabina seve

e right," mur

ation,' and were you married secretly, and was it be

d Dorothy, with a momentary

captain of the 'Consternation,' who was a jolly old bachelor last night, but may be a married m

affectionate look on t

ll wear the grandest ball dress

ter Kate, and talk such n

t, and now, if I have your permiss

Katherine. "What shall I get y

am not in the

ou like a c

ghed a litt

e said, "and some

oo," suggest

too, if y

kipped off

gasp, drawing herself together, as if the

and put on a look of patient resignation, as one who

se we can get for you

be very much obliged if Captain Kempt would obtain for m

her supplement my father's efforts by provid

tistic, and that my designs, if better known, might almost set a fashion in a small way, so I shall look after my costume myse

othing that I can do to forwar

u might smile at me as you pass by with your different partne

ine, and the table, with the tray upon it, was placed at the right hand of Dorothy Amhurst. When the servant left the room, Katherine sidled to the long sewing table, sprang up lightly upon it, and sat t

ell us all about


een wrong in that guess, because if the secret marriage I hoped had taken place, you would have said to Sabina that th

s appeal, and after a minute's

on the 'Consternation,' and taking that for granted, she requests mother to chaperon her, and furth

uite feasible. I'd be delighted to chaperon Dorothy myself, and as for politeness, good gracio

ld that o

ssion if

y gentlemanly

ters and his cous

ster and your cousin and your aunt waiting for

to New York or Boston, where we will put up at the best hotel, and trick ourselves out in ball costumes that will be the envy of Bar Harbor. I shall pay the ex

nt, but a legacy. Has the wic

hy solemnly, her

rry for what I

without thinking,"

elatives; but if she had one who was wealthy, and who allowed her to

not slavery," commented Sab

girl looked

I was thinking of that when I spoke of the shackles falling from my wrists, for sometimes, Miss Kempt, you have made me doubt whether wages and slavery are as incompatible as you appear to imagine. My father, who was a clergyman, often spoke to me of his father's slaves, and while he never defend

. Begin 'Once upon a time,' and then everything will be all right. No matter how harrowing such a story begins, it always ends with las

nd, and a radiant cheerfulness chased a

e were very poor, and I undertook the duties of housekeeper, which I performed as well as I was able, constantly learning by my failures. But my father was so indifferent to material comforts that there were never any reproaches. He taught me all that I know in the way of what you might call accomplishments, and they were of a strangely varied order-a smattering of Latin and Greek, a good deal of French, history, literature, and even dancing, as well as music, for he was an excellent musician. Our meager income

nd his answering letter gave proof of that, for it contained no expression of regret for his brother's death. My uncle declined to make the advance I asked for, saying that many years before he had given my father two hundred dollars which had never been repaid. I was thus compelled, for the time at least, to give up my plan for opening a dressmaking establishment, even on the smallest scale, and was obliged to take a situation similar to that which

remark brought upon her a mild rebuke fro

" said Kather

a most methodical man. He filed away my letter which contained the money, also a typewritten copy of his reply, and when he died, it was these documents which turned the attention of the legal arm who acted for him to myself, for my uncle had le

et? How much did you ge

e Sixth National Bank of this town, and they did so. It was to draw a little ch

d Katherine, in accents of deep

asked Dorothy, with a

to New York or Boston at your expense to buy new dre

the little satchel she wore at her side

confidential," she

g it. She read eagerly half-way down the page, then

back and forth like an athlete about to leap, sprang to the floor, nearly

the richest young women in the world? Don't you see that the rest of this conference must take place in

slowly and coldly, "that M

and his income!" cried the

leaded the mot

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