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A Sweet Girl Graduate


Word Count: 3368    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

bent her head low over her plate and longed even for the protection of a fringe to hide her burning blushes. Her momentary courage had evaporated; she was shocked at having betrayed he

her crying? Hateful thought. She would

ttle hand was slipped into hers

me, we are not what you imagine. We have our fun and our p

or could she resist slightly squeez

swered; and she ate the rest of her

uced herself, and presently took Priscilla with her to her own room, to talk over the line of study which the young girl proposed

e tea, but most helped themselves to tea and bread and butter

esently rushed in for this purpose. M

rightly. "Oh, by-the-by, will you coc

wered Priscilla. "But I'll do it,

no difficulty in finding me out. I don't expect to have any one present except Miss Banister," nodd

all, but Nancy lingered for

up to your room?" she asked. "We m

to," answered Priscill

rned to go, t

npack by and by, ar

en I get bac

ow beforehand; the girls

a raised

she asked, ala

in her room. You need not bother yourself about them; they'll just talk for a little whi

me sounds so ve

y. Shall I come and help

She hesitated; the words s

Nancy bent forward a

o come," with a

, you may

ered about. Her own room was at the far end of the corridor. The electric light was also brightening it, but the fire was unlit, and the presence of the unpacked trunk, taking up a position of prominence on the floor, gave it a very unhomelike feel. In itself the room was particularly picturesque. It had two charming lattice windows, set in deep square bays. One window faced the fireplace, the

cturesque confusion. Both the flowers and the scroll were boldly designed, bu

some of her dear, wild Devonshire flowers, among the groups on the door panels. She wondered if all the rest of

ut she was one of those girls all alive with aspiration and longing who n

with horror that she was to receive visitors that night, she looked round the

students' rooms looked like hers. She rushed to light the fire, but could not find the matches, which had been removed from their place on the mantel-piece, and felt far too shy to ring the electric bell. I

like a sofa by day, with a Liberty cretonne covering. A curtain of the same shut away the wardrobe and washing apparatus. Just under one of the bay windows stood a writing-table, so contrived as to form a wr

or not when a light knock was heard at her door. She said "C

irl with a brief nod. "You came to-day, didn't y

about her head. Her face was essentially commonplace; her small restless eyes now glanced at Priscilla, now w

s going to be put into Miss Lee's room. You see, I'm right; thi

aid the o

apartment and seated the

tered. They barely nodded to Priscilla and then rushed across the roo

ss Atkins? How do

sh and Miss Day. The babel of tongues rose high, and every one had somet

r. Girls, do you remember Annabel's rocking-chair, and how she used to

m Miss Marsh. "That Japanese table, with the Japanese tea-set- oh dear, oh dear! those cups o

e large figure of Hope by Burne-Jones used to hang, and there, that queer, wild, wonderful head looking out of clouds. You know she neve

?" asked one of the girls. She had a common, not to say vulgar, f

me in; they nodded to her and then rushed upon their companions. The eager talk began afresh, and always

o by the others as Ada Hardy, "I have no doubt that

altered P

r trunk, she'll make the r

ook at it used to- not if she was to live till the age of Methuselah. Of cours

you can buy tables and chairs, and pretty artistic cloths, and little whatnots of

u know, Lucy," interposed Miss Day. "I'll walk over to

gain a knock at the door, and this time Nancy

s room, some seated on her trunk, some on her bureau, several curled up in comfortable atti

ok, Miss Peel!" s

miled grate

unk is not u

ime enough," fa

Marsh, springing to her feet. "Good night.

r intervals, by the other girls, who all nodded to Priscilla, told her their names and

rtyrdom is over, you shall have a real cozy time. Don't you want a nice hot cup o

teeth were chattering. "If I migh

re were some on the mantel-piece before dinner. No, I declare they have van

x of matches, and, stooping down, set a light to the wood,

bed and give me the key of your trunk. I'll soon have the thi

small and meager wardrobe overhauled e

she said. She felt full of gratitude, but she could

ck, repulsed

she said. "I will go into Maggie's roo

that she had given any pain or annoyance, thinking with gratitude of Nancy, and with feelings of lov

er door. Priscilla ran to open

and smiling with joy. It was already delightful to her to look at

no, I can't," she said in a queer voice. She rushed back to he

phant's voice, rich, soft and lazy, was hea

el; cocoa awaits you. Do

wded with knick-knacks and rendered gay and sweet by many tall flowers in pots. A piano stood open by one of the walls and a violin lay carelessly on a chair not far off. There were piles of new music and some tempting, small, neatly bound books

cilla's hand cordially within her own. "Now you'll have to get

ng into her cheeks. She was glad that Maggie was alone; she felt more at ease with

s Banister was

r to do some work for an hour. She will come back to say good

crept slowly back to it. Maggie poured out a cup of cocoa and brought it to her. Then, draw

dimples about her mouth, the attitude she put herself in. Maggie had a way of changing color, too, which added to her fascination. Sometimes the beautiful oval of her face would he almost ivory white, but then again a rosy cloud would well up and up the ch

story and her motive in coming to St. Benet's. Maggie sympathized with all the expression she was capable of. At las

and was about to turn the handle, when a sudden

ou a questio

" replied M

? Annabel Lee, the other girls call her. Who

ed with an expression which was half frightened- half angry. She interloc

d in a whisper, "for I- I can tell you nothing a

herself upon it face downward, and burs

Priscilla softl

said Nancy Banister. "Don't take any notice

hand and walked with

nything to hurt Miss Ol

t know any better. Of course, now that y

g now. Please will you te

ee" Nancy's eyes filled with tears- "

ay was? and w

hat I cried. Anna


er room and Nancy went

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