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Under the Star-Spangled Banner


Word Count: 2611    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

reached New York, for from the date of the accident to her machinery, an

hulk, with smoke-stack and masts rising from a deck which was clear of everyt

ll repay the overhauling which will be necessary before she can put to sea again. Wait till we get alongside the dock; there will be no end of excit

own to look at her, and roamed all over her decks, marveling at the manner in which sh

icult to thank you sufficiently, and it is almost impossible to single out any individual for special praise when all have worked so well. Your captain, however, has done remarkably; he has shown such seamanship, skill, and courage, that I at once promote him to the command of one of our big passenger ships. Your second and third engineers have

xt morning Hal found that his share was ten pounds, and to this a further

have made more in one trip than you would have earned in three or

ully lucky! The twenty pounds, with what I had before,

I had some rough engineering knowledge. It has been acquired amongst the machinery on my plantations. I want an engineer, one who can act as master in my absence. Will you accept the post? The pay shall be good.

usly at Hal; for he had taken a fancy to our her

expected to be offered such an important post, and I accept wit

uba, who are anything from genuine negro to almost pure Spanish, recognize and look up to a European who knows how to treat them, and can show them what to do. Now, as to marching orders, I have business which will keep me in New York for a few days; after that we'll go to Florida, where I

e prospect before him. "But where do you stay? I am sorry to say

r traps, and come along. Leave the clothes to me, for as my engi

and, turning away, hurried to h

few belongings packed in a bag. Then he went the

e it all. I wish you were staying, for, after what has passed, I am sure we should have been capital friends, and had some splendid trips together. And now you say

you. As to my looking a swell and doing the grand, why, that's

ance in the future, the matter was soon sett

r, motioning him to enter the cab w

ous building, which rose for many stories into the air, and entered one of the numerous electric cars that run through the str

than obtaining them locally in Cuba, and as they have my measure for suits

florid man, whose enormous pro

" he said. "You can take his measure, and I should like the things in four days. But he

answer. "Step this way. One of t

lly elapsed-he would have thought nothing of it. Then he was the son of a wealthy man, and had no need to stint himself; now it was tot

ulated Hal. "I shall never need all the

at if you only do your duty by me you will rapidly repay the outlay. As to there being too many things

efactor. Fortunately, Mr. Riarty had a smartly cut plain suit which fitted his you

ot disappoint me. Remember, in four days' time we require the bulk of the order. Come along now, my friend. By the way, I must have some shorter nam

on; and when night came, the accommodation had nothing of the make-shift about it. Americans, he discovered, did not consider that discomfort went hand-in-hand with travel. Their railways were design

to Florida," he said. "See that it is a

rindle turned to Hal, and,

aluable securities. Now, I am going to give you a job. Your duties will commence from this moment

look after it, and wherever I

would descend and take a short walk to stretch their legs and take the stiffness out of them. On such an occasion Hal strolled along the platform, leaving Mr. Brindle reading in the car

g alone, sir?" continued the stranger. "I should say you're no

he catechism through

red curtly, "and

give was cut short by the sudden clanging of a bel

d placed by his side. To his consternation it was not where he had left it on the bench; a moment later, howev

at do you mean by taking my bag?" he demanded indign

" replied the dark, Spanish-looking stranger,

e! Give it up!" Hal cried, and wit

end himself. He will explain," the stranger r

a short, swarthy-looking fellow, asked, joining the

ard the train, and you forget your bag. I would rescue i

him," the second man replied blandly,

anged. He smiled, showing an excellent s

"It was my error, and a grievous one indeed. A tho

he matter is settled," turned on his heel and boarded the cars. But one thing struck his attention at the last moment and filled his mind with suspicion. In the hurry of replacing his hat the Spanish-l

ag, and from what was said I feel sure that they know who we are, and what valuables I was in charge of. Do you happen to know

do; and yet something about the bearded one struck me as familiar. What ab

your bag," Hal answered. Then he

those two are scoundrels. Strange, but one certainly seems to have a fam

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