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The Search After Happiness


Word Count: 844    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

have we to travel father let us make this our place of rest"! "We will" replied DeLancy and "this shall be our

he mount and bordered the stream which flowed round it. they were quite silent and their thoughts were ocupied by those that were afar off and whom it was their fate most likely never more to behold O'Donell was thinking of his noble master and his young Princes of the thousands of miles which intervened between him and them and the sad silent tear gushed forth as he ruminated on the happiness of those times when his master frowned not when the gloom of care gave place to the smile of freindship when he would talk to him and laugh with him and be to him not as a brother no no but as a mighty warrior who relaxing from his haughtiness would now and then converse with his high officers in a strain of vivacity and playful humour not to be equalled. next he viewed him in his minds eye at the head of his army he heared in the ears of his imagination the buzz of expectation of hope and supposition which humed round him as his penetrating eye with a still keeness of expression was fixed on the distant ranks of the enemy then he heard his authorative voice exclam, Onward brave sons of freedom onward to the battle and lastly his parting words to him "in prosperity or, in misery In sorrow or in joy In populous cities or in desolate wildernesses my prayer shall go with you" darted across his mind with such painful distinctness that he at length gave way to his uncontrollable greif at the thought that he shoul

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