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With Force and Arms


Word Count: 2018    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

vantage was also the cause of some confusion and noise, but, at length, order was obtained. The learned looking judges, with their wigs and gowns, whispered to each other

Scotland and France, King and Queen, defenders of the faith; divers other days and times, as well as before and after, certain detestable arts called witchcraft and sorceries, wickedly and feloniously, 33hath used, preached, exercised, at and within the township of Salem aforesaid, in and upon and against Elizabeth Parris and Abigaile Williams. By which said

breath, and, when he had finished, a sound

ost terrible!" w

lot of high sounding law terms. Master Sewall ha

was called Marie, looked straight over the heads of the crowd, right down to where I sat. Her eyes roved on

in prayer, and she stretched out her a

at our right?"

the cousin of Mar

at each other, and though I know not the import of the message that came from her eyes

cused were called. The mother of Elizabeth mounted the stand

cried out that some one was thrusting pins in them. Dr. Jacobs related how he had been called in, and, finding no evident cause for the ail

e woman said, and a boy caught the reptile up with the tongs, and threw it in the fire. It exploded with a noise like gun powder, and the next day Tituba was found to be burned on the left cheek, which ma

ike of which I had never seen before. They cried that pins and knives were being stuck into them by Marie and Tituba. Though how that could be

how he was removing his hay fro

the cart was overturned, though the road was without ruts. Coming from the field on the next trip the cart did somehow fasten itself between two gate post

risoners, Judge Hathorne. Let not the day of judgment be sta

il spirit she had familiarity with, a

s rove over the room, while the whole assemblage, judge

y. Also have I seen two rats, a red one and a white one. And they did command that I pinch the children. Aye, the rats did carr

chair, crooning away in her own tongue. The judges on

a witch,

scue the beautiful girl who seemed to me to be as innocent as the flowers. But even as I rose, scowling looks met me at every side. Some of the constables hastened in my direction, and Mast

e asked of Marie. Bu

e clerk. "Tell his Hon

m fear, yet which seemed like the tinkle of

known me since I have lived among

id a woman near me. But the terror of the scarlet snow of the night bef

But Marie only looked down at her cousin, whose lips were moving in silent prayer. "Will ye not confess, a

y look to give account another day," said Marie, "th

back and forth 38in her chair, mumbling away, and now and then breaking out into a wild

Lucille. Her body was shaking with sobs. Marie, on the contrary, did nothing but s

the constables proclaimed silence. The jurors took their seats. Th

ian, and Marie de Guilfo

hence and hanged by the necks until ye both are dead, an

thout. I held her, hardly knowing what to do with the lovely burden, until some women, who had hastened from the court room came up and relieved me. Then like one in a dream I made my way to the tavern. I was aware of a multitude following the

ad been near to death, I had been witness to the scarlet snow, and I had heard the

ssed the tavern, running in the direction of the little hill, whence I had first found the right path, in my journey of the night bef

er, he spoke of her soon, telling me that she had been with her cousin to the last. The gaolers had to drag them apart, when they led Marie to the scaffold. After the execution Lucille had gone to her home in great distress, attended

soon begin to plan for the raising of my me

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