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Wells Brothers


Word Count: 3522    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

as the one thing needful, and it now would be theirs amid bountiful surroundings. They were driven up among the o

n, at least give them the chance, and this trail hospital will be on velvet in no time. Of course, all Lovell outfits will tear their shirts boosting the endowment fund, but that needn't bar the other herds. Some outfits may have no cattle, but the

ttle to the Northwest, was an unknown port. The monotony of from three to five months on the trail, night and day work, was tiring to men, while a glass of milk or even an hour in the sha

e pair of attentive listeners, "or downward. If more than one brand is on an animal, the upper one is the holding or one in which ownership is vested. Character brands are known by name, and are used because difficult to al

rights, from the Texas and Montana trail crossing on Beaver to the headwaters of the same, including all its tributaries, by virtue of possession and occupancy vested in the claimants,

ck such a big country?" pondered Joel. "It

Saddle a horse and post this notice down at the trail crossing. Sink a stake where every one

or another herd, but each trip he managed to find some excuse to ride among the cattle. "What's t

," said Dell, airin

ith a black face?" inquired the wounded m

I rememb

e cow with a colored face. That line is drawn, and you want to remember it. You'll never shoot a wild swan with a blue wing, or see yellow snowflakes fall, or meet a pure

herd was sighted by the middle of the afternoon, an

to ask you why you picked a yearling yesterday when

e were worth a dollar a head

st of Joel, "what's your au

t you admit to Mr. Straw that red cattle were wort

prize for the best brand reader: The boy who brings me a correct list of brands, as furnished by Straw, gets my white cow and calf as a reward. I want the road and ranch brand o

pying brands. These included characters, figures, and letters, and to read them with skill was largely a matter of practice. Any novice ought to copy br

tter in Straw's list, a turkey track being the most difficult to interpret, but when all characters were fully understood, Joel still had four errors to Dell's three. The cripples were found to be correct in e

" said he, "we have boys who read brands as easily as a girl reads a novel. I know men who can count one hundred head of mixed cattle, as they leave a corral, or trail along, and not only c

stened. It sounded like a shot, and within

t," suggested Joel. "

e this six-shooter in the air, and follow it up with a Comanche yell. Dell, build a li

r of an approaching horse was distinctly heard. A lantern shone through the tent walls, and the prompt hail

the horseman without to be Dorg Seay, one of Don Lovell's for

rted. Priest wrote back to old man Don that you had attempted suicide--unfortunate in love was the reason given--and I have o

e?" inquired Forrest, ig

, and I rode through this afternoon. If this ranch boasts an

ts were lo

nd the railroad?" inquired For

herds--live with the lead one and occasionally go ba

herd reach the Beave

e o'clock to-morrow, and my own dear cattle will be at the

fire of questions followed, and were answered. The chronicle of the long drive, of a

latte River before the first of July. Old man Don isn't driving a hoof that isn't placed, so all his herds will pass Ogalalla before the first of the mon

y were left alone in the tent, Forrest unfo

It's a good range, and we must get them some cattle. The first year may be a little tough, but by drawing on all of Lovell's wago

on and beans and blackstrap, and after the herd crosses the Platte, the varmints want prairie chicken and fried trout. Tasty! Why, those old boys develop an elegant t

ning Seay spent in making crutches. Crude and for temporary use, the wounded man tried them out, and by ass

attle. See that white cow yonder?" pointing with a crutch. "Well, she belongs to your uncle John Quincy. And

a difference in Dell's regarding a dun cow, while Joel's list varied on three head. Under the classifica

g the list perfect, and my boy may be right on that dun cow. Joel differs on a three-year-old, a heifer, and a yearling steer. Now, get them straight, because we're expecting to receive more catt

le at a glance. Dell led the way to the dun cow, but before Seay could pass an opinion, the boy called for his list in possession of the man. "Let me take my roll a minute

ree were in one brand, and the mere failure to note the lines of difference between the figure eight and the letter S had resulted in repeating the mistake. Seay amus

ou boys will remember all these brands. One man can read brands at twice the distance of another, and I have seen many who could distinguish cattle from ho

ign," said he. "There's nothing like having studied your arithmetic. Dell's been to school, and it

hem," came the

r more. This afternoon we begin laying in a year's provisions. It may be a cold winter, followed by a late spring, and there's nothing like having enough. Relieve them o

e. "The wagons may reach the crossing an hour or two ahead of the herds

quandary, between duty and desire, as he was anxious to see the passing herds, yet a bond of obligation to the wounded man requ

of our quarters. Have the props ready, and in the morning Seay will show you how to stretch a tarpaulin for a sunshade. And then along towards evening, you must drift our little bunch of cattle at least a mile up the creek. I'm expecting more this evening, and until we learn the brands on this second contingent,

ient lad was allowed to graze them around the bend of the creek. There was hardly enough work to keep an active boy employed, and a social hour ensued. "Things are coming our way," said Forrest. "This man Sea

of molasses and bags of flour and beans, while a good saddle, coils of rope, and a pair of new boots which, after a wetting, had proven too small for the owner,

es visiting, he expects his friends to not only put on the little and big pot, but kill a chicken and churn. He's such a funny fellow. He made me try

s ranch is like a fairy story. Here I sit and wave my crutch for a wand, and everything we need seems to just bob up out of the plain. Cattle

As before, the cripples had been dropped midway, and would be nursed up the next morning. With the assistance of crutche

it's on the square, there goes my contribution to your hospital. Of course, the gift carries the compliments of my employer, Captain John. That red-headed boy delivered my messages, I

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