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What Will He Do With It, Book 3.

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 320    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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y cottage. He knocked at the door; an old peasant woman opened it, and dropped him a

aife. "Oh, Sophy, i


he, fumbling in his pockets, from which he at last produced a key. "You

st-awful! And now he's as still as a corpse. And I did

a spring, and a mass of something vehement yet soft, dingy yet whitish, whirled past the actor, and came pounce against Sophy, who therewith uttered a shriek. "Stop him, stop him, for heaven's sake," cried Waife. "Shut the door below,-seize him." Downstairs, however, went the mass, and downstairs after it hobbled Waife, returning in a few moments with the rec

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