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When Knighthood Was in Flower

Chapter 2 IIToC

Word Count: 2477    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

don Came

e could tell, as the king's favorites were of many sorts and taken from all conditions of men. There was Master Wolsey, a butcher's son, wh

es would the king take a yeoman of the guard and make him his companion in jousts and tournaments, solely because of his brawn and bone. There were others wh

ays hated to pay. There were other good reasons, too, why I should be a favorite with the king. Without meaning to be vain, I think I may presume to say, with perfect truth, that my conversation and manners we

of giving it all to the first-born and leaving me dependent upon the tender mercies of an elder brother. So I had no help from him nor from any one else. I was quite small of stature and, therefore, unable to compete, with lance and mace,

h while the king went up to Westminster to waste his time with matters of state a

Margaret of Scotland, and the palace was dull enough. Brandon, it seems, had been presented to Henry during this time, at Westminster, and had, to some extent at least, become a fav

come home with the king and the court to Greenwich when we should return. So we all went over to Westmin

a description of this tournament taken

peareiled, takynge vp thir horses, after whome folowed certayne lordes appareiled, they and thir horses, in cloth of Golde and russet and tynsell; Knyghtes in cloth of Golde, and russet

rane and chafron of stele, in the front of the chafro was a goodly plume set full of musers or trimbling spangles of golde. After folowed his three aydes, euery of them vnder a Pauilion of Crymosyn Damaske & purple. The nomber of Gentlemen and yomen a fote, appareiled in russet and yealow was clxviii. Then next th

ce, he would do it gladly, and if not, then he would departe as he came. After his request was graunted, then he put off hys sayd habyte and was armed at all peces with ryche bases & horse, also rychely trapped, and so did runne his horse to the tylte end, where dieurs men on fote appareiled in Russet satyn awaited on him. Thereupon the Herau

apping of hands and waving of trophies among the ladies, for he was of such noble mien and comely f

exion, though browned by exposure, held a tinge of beauty which the sun could not mar and a girl might envy. He wore neither mustachio nor beard, as men now disfigure their faces-since

to me: "Who is the handsome stranger tha

ever saw him until now. He is the g

m. Should we not, ladies?" There was a chorus of assent from a dozen voic

cried their "Oyes," and our conve

lk. He was grace itself, and the king afterwards said he had never seen such strength of arm an

if I could yet give her an account of the stra

d her

ur companio

have always looked upon you as full of trouble for me in that respect; you will not so much as glance at a

ot want?" asked Mary, with a dimpling

inly is," retu

th him at once. In fact, I d

e of him." King Henry had been compelled to refuse several very advantageous alliances because t

e is, and what his degree?" we

not even a knight; that is, not an English knight. I

t even a baron or knight? No

se so; but do

the dance and b

don't bother me, I say."

enwich by boat, paying a farthing a head for our fare. This was just after the law fixing the boat fare, and the watermen

ger, and he proved to be no other than Charles Brandon, who had fought the terrible duel down in Suffolk. I could hardly believe that so mild-mannered and boyish a person could h

and women. We soon found that we had many tastes in common, chief among which was the strongest of all congenial bonds, the love of books. In fact we had come to know e

e determined to see a little of London, which was new to him

he Master of Horse, who invited his nephew to stay with him for the night

such as should be assigned him from time to time. He was offered a good room on one of the lower floors, but asked, instead, to be lod

own place with finger between the leaves. Here we discussed everything from court scandal to religion, and s

he continent ever since he was a boy, and for all he was so much a man of the world, yet had he as fresh and boyish a heart as if he had just

whether the load be joy or sorrow; if the former, the need is all the greater, for joy has an e

he eldest, could have taken it all, for his father had died without a will, but he said there was not enough to divide, so he had given it to them and hoped to leave it clear of debt; then for New Spain, glory and fortune, conqu

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