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With Links of Steel, Or, The Peril of the Unknown


Word Count: 1886    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

us New York detective was about preparing for lunch, and quickly s

Maynard had fairly outlined the case Nick keenly discerned that the robbery could not have been committed by any common criminals, and he at

at this early stage of the affair, to anticipat

, Nick turned to Chick Carter, his reliable chief assistant, wh

his affair has rather a bad look, and in case qui

hick heartily cried, hasteni

o think that these rats have very carefully covered their tracks, and that a still h

when you

ave a carriage at the door. We will not delay

was ushered into the private office of Venner & Co., where the two members of the

re, an habitué of the best clubs, a man still unmarried, yet of whom hints were frequently dropped that he was very popular with the fair sex, whom he was known to lavish

ny rehearsal of them, and get right down to business," Nick crisply observed, immediately after the

round the office table. "I do not fancy being robbed in this scurvy fashion, sir, and you may go to

t scrutiny of Venner's darkly attractive fac

r thousand

umber, I


of unifo

matched, and are worth about four hundred dollars

"I understand, Mr. Venner, that you called yesterday at the store

d also exa

fferman's store wer


f the clerk

to Mr. Hafferman, but he did not remain. Only Mr. Hafferm

ow the cle

think, he w

here this morning," put in Mr. Ga

in a small book which h

t that time regarding th

g that I would either call again or send an order for

only Mr. Hafferman heard

and that he alone was with me. If there were

what special purpose did you want those part

's cheeks when he replied, a change whic

for a valuable diamond cross, to be worn upon the stage. We happen to have in stock no diamonds pe


to the investigation of this affair, yet I have no obje

it, then?" deman

e, of which she, of course, knows nothing," retorted Venner. "

audeville Troupe, which has been playing


she makes a great d

ent collection of jewels, and wears them with an ab

an odd smile, "Venner might add that he enjoys q

ions with her, Detective Carter, are only those of a friend and a gentleman. She called here several weeks ago to have some diamonds re

marked, however, none of that appears to be material. I understand, Mr. Venn

to call upon her at eleven o'clock at her rooms, and to bring with me a diamond pendan

I s

the hour mentioned, she would decide whether to purchas

request, Mr. Venner, an


s she qu

furnished h

he live

r servan

w m

usemaids. Also a girl to look after her ward

a Cervera is wea

om her professional work she derives a very large income which she scatters as if dollar

heard," n

u h

here are very few public characters in New York of whose general habits I am not tolerably well info

eply, and instant

, with some feeling. "Se?ora C

enner, no doubt; b

ive Carter. Indeed, sir, if I thought her name was to be dragged into this affair, or her reputation to be i

uppressed the response tha

ervation was not intended to cast any reflection upon Se?

d hope n

u the note she sent

Here i

, or a m

nger bro

gn hand. Very firm and forceful. It indicates a strong and determined ch

rect, sir. She is a wo

e to do about the d

ss, Detective Carter, to be made

your call upon


ent no order to Haffe


eived by him, or he would no

e, then, it w

" Nick readily a

, Ni

order received by him, and bring it here. Have a look at young Boyden, and see what you make of him. Als

ck's investigation was taking, though neither Venner nor his p

here," nodded Nick


order at Hafferman's store. Inquire what he said at the time, a

nd knew he could not get them," obs

this, however, and Chi

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