Yule Logs
n. At the suggestion of Carlos they kept the middle of the ill-paved streets, for in Havana no one uses the narrow side-walks at night. To do so would be to invite a knife-thrust from the first dar
ebellious subjects, while most of the soldiers were mere boys, ill-fed, poorly clad, and wasted by sickness, but well armed and insolent to all save their own officers. These latter, who swaggered by in noisy, cigarette-smoking groups, seemed the only well-fed pe
nto them. Two other seats at the same table were occupied by a supercilious-looking Spanish officer and a fashionably-attired civilian. The former, with an expression of deepest hatred cast toward Carl Baldwin, slowly rose, reversed his chair with a loud scraping on the marble pavement that attracted general attention, and reseated himself with his back turned squarely toward the young American. The latter had suspected the nature o
tarted towards him, but was detained by the fourth man who
s yet time. For a Moranza to be arrested
g Cuban, bewildered at being thus promptly reco
ent. They dare not kill him. H
anza hesitated. Then hi
is, the officer, who had cowered irresolute beneath his adversary's unflinching gaze, clapped a hand to his sword and attempted to rise. In an instant the
ng the other inmates of the café, who were throngi
West. Isn't there some other in
soldiers appeared in the doorway. They were led by the Spanish spy who had followed our friends from Key West, and who had been s
now cried exultingly, and the o
crashing blows from his fists. Two more were hurled breathless to right and left. The others hesitated, and even shrunk before him as with a cry of "Come on, West!" he dashed toward the
rlos Moranza, who was in the same unhappy plight. Even then the spirit of the young American was unsubdued; and, in def
he shouted, with all
ier, at the same time striking his prisoner
ept the blow without a word, though, had he known the full v
it instantly arose answering shouts, in tones indicating bot
ad used it but once, and then the whispered "Canto del gallo" had instantly admitted him to the presence of the Junta's agent in Key West. No matter, though, how Carl had discovered it, he was justified in using it under the
rike a blow, some one in the crowd hurled a paving-stone that stretched him senseless on the ground. As though this were a signal, the mob, led
et, and then all was over. The mob melted away like a puff of smoke, leaving only a few innocent and inoffensive citizens to be cut down by the sabres of the troopers. The
nd bewildered, they finally found themselves in a dimly-lighted room, surrounded by a group of those who had effected their r
r in the cause of Cuba. Tell us, then, who you are, whence you come, an
to him alone of the two was this address
auditors, and in another instant he was folded in a close
now your father?" cried the man, half-sobbing,
"It is indeed his voice; but without hearing it I should never have known hi
d to escape," replied General Moranza. "And I should have j
alive and well? I heard that she was a prisoner, condemned to A
to transportation in a ship that will sail on the morrow," replie
arlos. "It was also he who
r, "that I lingered near the Pasaje, and so was on hand to rescue from Wey
et declares that he knew nothing of its secret value, did us a fi
will sail away for ever. I have lacked two things-a demonstration of sufficient magnitude to attrac
aniard in Havana to tremble in his shoes and call on the saints for protection. As for a conveyance, it is alrea
United States espoused our cau
m and more. Do not question me as to its nature, for I am bound to present secrecy. Only be prepared for our demonstration which will be made to-morrow night; effect the
cting of details for the proposed rescue, our lads took their departure, and