Russian Memories
of Other Countries-English Sympathy-The Guildhall Meeting-The Russian Government
against the Central Empires. Their present attitude has effaced the great hatred they used to manifest against everything Russian. But a survey of my work for Anglo-Russian friendship would be incomplete and woul
igious. I said then, as I shall always say, that the worst charges brought against the Jews could not by any form of special pleading be held to justify outrage and murder. I reminded the Jews that when thousands of harmless peasants, men, women and children, were being ruthlessly slaughtered in Bulgaria, they ranged themselves beside those responsible for the
g of Bulgaria, and with a few exceptions his race was with him. The Jews hated Slavism, and the Slavs could not be expected to retort with soft words of brotherly love. In spite o
t if two and a half million Chinese were monopolising all the best things in Southern England, and were multiplying even more rapidly than
ssia. I have always been puzzled why the Englishman cannot see this. The Jew is the Cuckoo of Russia; he is forcing the aborigines out
prone to ha
casion to which I have
shadow of the cruel servitude enforced on our peasants by the Jews.
ia once more seemed to catch hold of the Engl
nobility and members of Parliament besought the Lord Mayor to convene a meeting of protest with the object of preparing a Memorial to be sent to the Tsar "to give public express
own house in order. I called attention to General Booth's recently published book, In Darkest England, which I had read with something aki
l proclaim aloud, in the hearing of these millions, that England and its great Lord Mayor, with all the wealth of London at their back, have undertaken the cause of the Russian Jews. And these poor peopl
stion until you have had, let us say, ten per cent
ten years I mentioned the
voice and duly sent to Petrograd. In February the Russian Ambassador handed the Memorial to Lord Salisbury {116} with a request t
s their bitterest enemy," and yet all I said in effect was that if the Montagues hate the Capulets, and the Capule
Times, for although written thirty-four years a
s in the Deccan, from which I learn that the most innocent agriculturists in India have repeatedly attacked the Hindoo money-lenders, exactly as our peasants attacked the Jews, and for the same reason. And how did you deal with this difficulty? Not by increasing the licence, but by restricting the opportunities of the
been domiciled in Russia, and a true Russian, and nothing can be more insulting to a Russian than this. The Yiddish jargon is not used by men of the Russian race, who have at
ars, and other criminals crossing the frontier. No Russian subject is allowed to leave Russia without a passport, which is never granted to any known criminal. If any such criminals evade our vigilance, our police are only too anxious to inform your police and solicit their co-operation in the arrest of the fugitive. But such offenders have
cause he had only killed an English policeman, and was therefore entitled to the right of asylum as a political refugee? Of course, such a crime against civilisation i
he Sydney Street
he world in extirpating this gang of ruthless murderers? If you are, you will find ready co-operation on our side; if you are not, then, I fear, the world will say that you care nothing for mu
ately there are prejudiced people amongst ourselves who insist upon being blind and unable to see obvious facts, and the meaning of the war of 1876 has been entirely misunderstood. Let us, for instance, quote Count L
by Count Leon Tolstoy and Russian "celebrities." This document had to be present
n taken au sérieux anywhere, tho
broad. Amongst us he is only great as a novelist. You may, no doubt, find among the Russians, as we
dist Jew," and who fail to see the difference between the latter and the Greek Orthodox Russian, forget that even Jesus Christ's law to love our enemy is often neglected by those who pride themselves on being His followers. I insist upon the term "Talmudist Jews.
wed a correspondent to state the facts "within their own knowledge." One of them
own a large share of the immovable property in the city. Of the very few and unimportant industries over which they do not command an abso
body, and in material power the Jewish section of the Council outweighs the rest. The author also admits that
the difficulty of getting from the Jews themselves any instance of oppression, he expressed his surprise that: "In the English community, chiefly intereste
of the Celestial Empire have been simply hunted out of America and Australia, although these poor timid creatures never dreamed of establishing an imperium in imperio
best to paralyse mischievous outbursts from whatever source. Thus in protecting the Russians from the Jews, our Government is, in fact, in accord with the parliamen
r. George Montofiore and Dr. Max Nordau, to quote only a few names. The last-named dedicated to me his play The Right to Love, after the Guildhall fiasco.
a Christian of any denomination of his own choice." To me that phrase is a regular riddle. Thank God! I do not know people who for fifty roubles, or no matter for how many roubles, may change their political or even religious creed. Being a convinced Christian myself, I can only be glad when I hear of somebody who has appreciated the Greek orthodox views enough to adopt them. Our Church prays daily for
y and love for Russia-two qualities which are not by any means the predominant characteristics of the Talmudists. All this can be easily proved. A curious tradition seems, in the eyes of some Russians, to account for that great difference between p
hich naturally has to be in accordance with our Church. But our Church, as such, does not interfere with the temporal powe