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The Debatable Land

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 3249    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n-Of Thaddeus's Oppo

eath from the pole. Their functions there are customary, familiar, old. They can swing at large. They need not hesitate. But in city streets they go timidly, as if they fancied something in man and his civil doings not in the original regulations. They are conservative. An innovation was made, not so long ago, in their ancient memories; a creature containing an unknown chemical was developed and introduced. They see

dal tenderness, and feeling embarrassed so that she made something moist, warm, and sticky. Baby green leaves were on the maples of Shannon Street and on the elms of the Common; rain was o

ing clouds. There was Lieutenant Map, with straps, visored cap, and sword, which Thaddeus thought should have been a club or javelin. "He'll not be suitably dressed till he's tattooed." Thaddeus even pursued and caught happiness in the situation, the changing pulse of the times. There were advantages to society in this panoply and thrill of war, which filled the eye and ear, entertained the thoughts, stirred the feelings to an interested activity. Society became mor

ith sympathy. Was not a fort made to be fired at? A little while before they had been told to dislike abolitionists, and had done so. Now they were told to dislike secessionists, and did so; but both were abstract. But here, on the familiar Fair grounds, were visible men in earnest, who were to be shot at and possibly hit by individuals. It was another matter th

yhood into youth in the sunlight and soft, damp air. They found Gard sitting disconsolately on Mrs.

two; told the rector at three I wouldn't play his old organ a day longer; drew this outfit at four. It's five now. But the rector was

you were too wise for a warrior. Are you aware that cold lead

t sy

stem of the-a-pe

d. "But it might

who walked down the street, scen

e-I don't seem t

some of the brothers. Now, Fritz Moselle will say, 'Vat for a fool of a musician! Aber, you nefer get so fat as me if you don' be content

about one thing now. I should have said

ying to state one that was clear to him but seemed to struggle against statement-a

be responsible for other men. But a private marches where he's ordered, and shoots according to prescription. So he can watch the big phenomenon all around him and feel it racing through his blood. Can't he? I can feel it alre

sted. Any one who had seen her eyes light up suddenly and often would know that. He wondered what clue to some unexpected significance she was following now, t

last time. Will you b

e darkness from Rachel's story, the vista where melancholy shapes and fears crouched and hid their faces. She watched him go down Queen Mary Street towards the Common. Morgan Map, striding down from Philip's road, s

doors, half open-for the night was heavy and close-took its place, whispered, moaned, and wailed: "You've no idea how black it's growing. Shut the doors and hide." At least, she was only able to make the music say something about going away, and that "if people never meet again, never is a long, long time."

, Mo

aluted, "L

going home?" Then to Gard and his

on. I report at nine,

elen, and noted that they, too, walked quite silently still, till t

n which it was stated that a certain officer, in bringing a Confederate flag from a hotel roof in Alexandria, was shot by the hotel-keeper, who in turn was shot by a person accompanying the said officer. Really, people acted with singular earnestness and energy nowadays. He laid down the paper. On the wal

impatiently. They were in the drawing

start ne

us, "is not, in point o

f every one knew what you are to me before I l

ver take the trouble to

make out she had seemed to speak quite coolly. "She won't lose her

arshness and blare in his voice, "I sha'n't understand it. It's pe

the curtain an

. I seem to b

in a low chair before the sea-coal fir

before. As it is, I take the opportunity to observe that your-a-importunity appears to be unpleasant to Helen, to request

oes e

, then, ever promised

mber I was ev

ss Morgan's face, left red spots

hing to do, the simple instinct, would be, with one hand to crumple up this grinning old idiot-tall stock and curled hair and all-stuff him away somewhere, and carry off Helen into the windy night, with her white d

solute n

o, Morgan. I don

uncle you b


do as


inted at Mo


t the rain drive against her face. Mrs. Mavering's window threw a great bar into the night. Morgan's voice below seemed to fill the drawing

ncle Tad ha

"I remember being-a-rejected once myse

wn out like this? Do you think I'm a man to put up with

ven years-at thirteen-but, my dear fellow, a child! You announce your intention to a growing girl, by whose-a-admiring worship it is received with awe. You suppose she continues to worship you in the same primitive manner. You suppose your ownership and property established, that it merely remains to dictate and receive. How simple, how-pardon me-characteristic! By the way, your father. I recollect, had a singular opinion of you. I

and forcible looked Morgan, so likely to be summary or primitive inaction, that it seemed to argue for

observed the distinction, I presume, but only from its effect on you. But, really, you know, i

interest in your delights

" murmured

ou don't interfere with me. I want Hel

n, perhaps, an und

ng to quibbl

umed to be, quite clear, no longer is-is no lo

hority, either. You can flutter it as mu

he trouble to prevent your seeing Helen. I shall take the trouble to see that nothing comes of it

turned, and went into th

ier, of course-what a blessing is youth! Exit!"-t

ore his sea-coal fire, plotted such happy paths for Helen to walk in as an enlightened egoism showed would be best for Thaddeus. Helen let the rain drive in her face, and thought that, "if people never meet again, never will be a long, long time." Gard stood in the middle of his study, looked around him, whistled "The Campbells Are Coming," and called it clearing up. Books, music, piano, chairs, and memories of meditations-he thought he did not care much what became of them. There was a new time coming, and time it came. "This is no world to

louded windows through the clouded windows even of that one

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