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Breaking Free: A Zodiac Story

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 7933    |    Released on: 08/12/2017

ak. The two boys had regained consciousness and seemed to ha

asked the two girls. The boys had fallen asleep, tired from their long battle; Sagittari

d gazed at Sagittarius from across the fire they had created.

... could you tell me a bit about yourselve

.. you can control fire, right? That“s... That doesn“t exist back at home - Wateria." She lifted her hand and gl

e of a dolphin. Cancer closed her eyes and recalled her memories of her childhood; calming her li

r thoughts by Sagittarius“ voice. Cancer looked up, blinkin

away some of her tears. For some strange reason, Cancer and Pi

er fall back to the ground. "I“m... your family will be okay." Sagittarius said, gazing into the fire.

been muttering gibberish. However, when she thought about it; they“d already found a

t have to... comfort me, you know." Cancer said. "I know... my family“

t to her. "It“s not your fault... we“ll find a way." They sat

y comfortable sitting and sleeping." Sagittarius said, stand


ced, shaking Aries and Sco

l closed, and grabbed his wrist. "Hey, wait, wh

apped. "He was only trying to help." Aries yawned, standing up. Sc

re in the middle of their temporary camp. Scorpio stood there for

sked. "What

tching Scorpio crouch down by the fire. After the battl


e need to find... three of each element right? Seeing what we have now.

lking alongside Sagittarius and Cancer. Cancer shrugged.

ecy." Sagittarius added. "Since we have nowhe

a while, entertaining the

t?" Aries asked, breaking them out of their though

mediately swept off his feet by some invisible being. He

A girl flew down towards them and grabbed Ar

one, too." Leo said, looking back at his fr

urple hair in a ponytail, bright blue eyes, and most surprising of all - large, white wings extended

ing a flaming arrow at her face. "I can shoot with deadly accuracy, and believe

l you“ve explained to me what you“re doing here. You shouldn“t underestima

es widened slightly with surprise. "Well, well; l

sing to answer. "Aw, come on. Fine, I“lll intro

at“s Aries." Leo said, pointing at each one of them when he said their names. Aqua

t off by Leo. "We“re here to fulfil a pro

almed if he hadn“t bee

sted. Pisces finally spoke up. "Well... um, release

it? - and we can talk." She glided down, dropping Aries in an un


forest by the wall. "I bet Libra will be so pleased to discover my latest pran

rther in the distance was the menacing, grey wall; for s

a gust of wind to give her a better v

n a clearing. She tossed her red and orange ha


rfully. Leo opened his mouth to continue talking, but his eyes widened as he

d orange hair. "Aaaqua - wait, who are you?!" the mysterious girl

med, getting up. "Finding you. Now tell me, why are

e group stared blankly

like he was about to attack her. "- awesome looking girl with the bow -" Sagittarius looked slightly flustered at that. "- two cute girls - aw, don“t

nt of silence. "Anyways... You can go back first, Gemini. Th

anything beyond... that." Gemini waved her han

i nodded eagerly. "You know, whate

y Leo. "Oh, of course! We needed... three, right?" Gemini let out a squeal

I“m going to fetch Libra!" She took off with few flaps

ach other uneasily. "And you“re stuck with me!" sh

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