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Loving Lily- Sequel to Loving River

Chapter 2 Errant Bushes

Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

s like this that he missed his sweet mother. His hardworking papa and his granny. Years had passed since he had last seen his kinfolk. Why had he allowed so much time to go by? He suppo

eer that he'd forgotten about the mo

what he really wanted out of his life. If he was fortunate, an early snow storm would come and he'd be stuck at his hunting cabi

in, it pressed against his hat as he rode steadily o

last time he'd gone fishing? True, the weather was turning a bit cold for that activity but what hadn't he done it during the warm summer months? He would next summer, he promised himself. He'd go fishing, and hu

s place needs a lot of work before I can bring my wife and family here." The roof looked like it was ready to cave in, the porch had several rotting steps. The brush that was growing up on all sides of the house made it seem like something from an enchanted forest. "Although it's not very enchanting." Micah mumbled as

to step around the bad spots on the porch, Micah pushed the door. It didn't budge. "Must be stuck." Micah muttered as he shoved against the door. "There's more wrong with this place th

an overgrown forest. "Little men must be living here." He said. "No, men wouldn't make it look this nice." Micah said looking around again. Turning back to the door, Micah pushed it shut. The door swung back open. Frowning, he pushed it shut again. The door swung back open. It was then that Micah noticed the chest of drawers tipped over nearly behind the doo

the pink calico print dress. Nearly two weeks ago, he had been sitting in a chair in front of the jail when he noticed a certain sweet lady admiring the soft pink and lace dress from the window of Meyer's mercantile. Unable to resist, Micah had gone

e cabin. It looked like... like a pile of blankets. Micah didn't remember leaving blankets pil

mself staring into the sl


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