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A Royal Ryde

Chapter 5 Compliments of the stranger

Word Count: 2027    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

of their shopping at the local mercantile. Horses were tied to the rail outside the Sink'em Saloon. The name was fitting considering how many men lost all of their money a

thing with careful calculating eyes. After several long minutes, he decided that the saloon would be the best place to start. It shouldn't be too difficult. Find a man who seemed to know about the town, if he wasn't drunk already, buy him some drinks. The rest should take care of itself. The man had done this often enough. It was really m

al, not even the drunks parked at a table throwing away their money. Several of them had a girl either on his lap or leaning ove

eyes gauged the giant stranger as the bar tender made his way over. It

good stuff, son? " the bartender a

le gold coin onto the

ange cowbody with renewed interest. "Sure enough." He s

tools that were nailed to the floor. His eyes landed on a yo

d to the barkeep. "Get that lad so

tender slid him a shot glass. "Compliments of

d to end up in his liver. He turned and walked down to the stranger, 'cause his God-fearing mama had raised him to be

"Name's Dom." He said bef

a large man he would have surely remembered him, drunk or not. Dom stood at six foot six. Every inch of his body was hard trained muscle. The dark hat shaded

tranger answered as he gestured for

or his glass. "Lived here most

e really just dumb? At the boys straight face as he turned his attenti


ed. "You know anything about

" I might. Wha

ust raised a notch. " Just curious. Might be settlin' down near here. I

e any more gulping. Of course the slow trickle just might be worse. "Makes sense

t excuse. Weak. This kid had a lot of growing up and toughen' up to do. Still he was getting the in

iewed each town through his mind. "Not

nging doors when a shrill scream silenced the room just as a card table went flying against the wall. Dom turned to observe the scene when his eyes immediately locked on a young girl with long curled blonde hair. Her back was to a ma

owards the man with the girl. "You think I care?"

ot angry one. "You won't care now. Maybe not even tomorrow. But I will kill her. I will kill your mother, your wife, and your daughter. Then I will take your precious

his attacker, her forehead received a blow that caused her to pass out. Her lip was spit, her nose appeared to be broken and that was just the damage Dom could see. This had to stop. The man continued to toss the girl around blocking blows meant for his body. He lifted her like she weighed nothing at all. She probably didn't, she looked barely eighteen.

fall to the ground. Dom dropped the broken bottle beside the fallen body as he walked slowly over to the man who still held the limp body of the girl. He stood over the man, looking down on him with burning hatred. " You have two

d just how stupid it would be to egg on a man almost double his size. If the situation hadn'

t, the man turned, his heavy footsteps indicating that he was leaving the building. Dom wanted to chase after him, wanted to beat him until he could barely breath. He wanted to cause that man's death. But t

in her left cheek. Dom carried her into the building with the sign that announced it as being a clinic. "Doc!" He shouted as he laid the girl gently on the wh

saloon. Are

en sliding over her throat. There they stopped to catch her pulse. " I am.

cially a hard-headed one. And any woman who was a a doctor only got there by being hard-heade







ok Bad Boy Vibes. I am totally enjoying this story righ

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