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Harbor My Strong Wolf

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 694    |    Released on: 21/12/2017

What are you doing?"

all man made his way

d pulled himself up o

the large

anches, dear." She a


ix years old! You sh

them with a chain saw

on of choice and ki

his mother. When he

ds calm. "I told you

anches. I cleared my

hat, I told you last

"I“m helping you!" S

end your whole

ranches won“t take me

e no idea what you“re

would be waiting in

and climb down from t

over my s

Conal! Don“t

and I will carry thr

be, Momma?" Behind A

all the years his mot

his room, punishin

ther enjoyed giving h

look on her face, she

looked like she had ju

ill, the bible did sa

t Alex relente

t you go on into th

made cookies and I

se limbs. Deal?" He

imple appearing

on“s beautiful smile. The bo

right. But I want yo


r onto the ladder. "A

other made her way t

Alex directed its des

w“s l


to her knees beside her si

? What h

n“t see that small hole

th hands clasped gent


walk?" Al

a winced. " There wa

o. Could we go b

uggled to get her sist

In this way, the gi

y had passed ea

the door and helpe

la was s

stigated the building

help he

hing?" Hel

shed her braid over

ter. "What are we go

on with

upted, "There is no r

days. Just until my

"But what about

la sighed. "I“m sorry

s. It hurts too much to w

no choice but to sit here

“t fi

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