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Board James

Board James


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1698    |    Released on: 10/01/2018


do we have? One Night, Ultimate Werewolf…okay." Indifferently, he tossed the box aside to reach for another one. "Level S

a small, square box. A picture of

that why it's Ghost Blitz? 'Cause he's blitzed? He sure as fuck looks tweaked." James started to crack

ds with pictures of the ghost. This one has a chair. This one a mouse, and what're these? Oh, this is the cha

tiny manual, and read through it. "A reaction game as fast as lightning for two to eight bright mind

; a ghost director. Kind of reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on it…." Trailing off, the reviewer readjusted his ball cap then returned his gaze to the manual. "Immediately, he photographe

ystery as to where his friends had gone. Word was, Board James was a serial killer, a

times, it's blue. Looking at the photos, Balduin doesn't really remember what he wanted to make disappear next. Yeah, and I d

aunting and quickly name the right piece, or even make it disappear by yourself?" He threw the red, chai

sternation. Then, cracking the manual o

host Blitz Grab, and Ghost Blitz Shout. What's the

t one in the cellar goes first. What does that mean? I gu

person to grab it wins the round, and gets to keep the card as a reward, but has to return the piece, and the cycle continues. If no

omeone grabs the wrong piece, they have to give cards to the person who did grab the right piec

n. His wide eyes bored holes through the pink toy, and he knocked it over with a backhand before grabbi



s up,

It's time to


time to play a game, "

know…last time we played a game,

t get off your a

nish my H


coming to his feet. He then left the game room, passed by the basement sink, stop

what reminiscing over childhood is about? Playing games with friends, that's what it's about, and I had a great childhood; great parents, good friends, and every Friday, wh

gers through his hair, he set his jaw. There was that one time, though, that awful, dark

oor drew his att

air, entered the kitchen. "He

scary game, " Jame

w if I like

ke this sc

is it?" there was a slight

not the Ou

am P


. Buc


cket, f

rtled. "C'mon, and

posters of scary movies, The Twilight Zone show poster, and video game banner


" Jame

like he'

what I

n in a Toronto Blue Jays cap stuck his nose

the two others ex

yin' a littl

playin' Candy Land

play Candy Land,

ppened last time we p

nger to his pouting, bottom lip. "Was that

started. "Shut the fuck up, and

y took the lid of th

kin' drunk, "

you don't hafta' bite my

e head last time,

my whole,

ead and pinched the

ay this Ghost Bli

o answer, Bootsy shoved the

ug, that's the ghost,

ck, " Bootsy huffed and replaced th

James began.

y, " Mike interrupted. "Ghost Bl

to it, " Ja

what the differenc

, " Boot

isten, both games are the same, but i

ight piece?" Mi

Bootsy asked. "Candy Land h

Candy Land, " the

rd, or if the card doesn't show the right piece, you grab the piece that isn't shown, and the piece that isn't th

games, Bootsy readjusted his sitting position, and knocked

the game. First, Bootsy drew a purple ghost sitting in a gray chair, and since none of those pieces were correct, James

t's just reversed

shouted, and snatc

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