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An Enchanting Tale

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2537    |    Released on: 10/01/2018

rchitecture. The group pressed on beyond the fallen stones. Searching for an entry, Numerius rounded a large wall to

the exterior doo

me and pressure had forced the foundation beneath the soil to list a bit towards the north end, their

gears and steam rushing through pipes assaulted their auditory senses. The excitement

to be wary of trap

S'maash raised a right hand overhead, casting a candle light spell. The illumination from his magickal beacon did little to bring radiance to the fa

refront, leading the team. "S'maath, Numer

h man and m

anked, and sent roaring steam through its walls. The candle light revealed the entry hall was quite extensive. While the others had little tro

walls and brass-like metal, which adorned the junctures. Small, dwemer shelving lined the left side of the corridor, which was much straighter than t

ng to rest upon arriva

ter having taken stock of our s

r rooms, they found little in the way of treasures. Weary and hungry, the group took a rest in one

ming will at least have to get through this doo

he leads us, "

mp. S'maath pulled some parchment from his robes. With charcoal, he started sketching a ma

from the unnerving clatter of dwemer gears built into the stonework, there was nothing extraordinary.

e floors and stairs led deeper. Most of the paths were blocked by cave-ins or rubble, but one hall led the group to a large, round room. That particular room provided excellent lighting from a gas-po

s room, " S'

rother. "I am not sure.

to the room. The carvings in the walls were magnificent, but provided no insight towards any mystery into which they were looking. A

into the imperial. A plethora of darts flew over them for a moment. A maddening soun

, you idiot, " s

ur armor is heavy, you know

respect for the old traps still lining the dwe


ing, " Num

ceeding down another, sloped corridor. Dwarven metal piping lined both sides of

t as he scanned the floor. "Careful, I believe there might b

utomatons were in sight, which aroused S'maash's suspicions. Should there not at least be wreckage left behind? He wondered, but there was no way to know, and so another day of nothing we

irst trip from home to an uninhabited area. When he awoke, he was happy to see his friends. While Fara and Num

we need to make our r

ping back here the

orth. Taking it gently, she scanned it a moment before handing it ba

oned city, which led her to discover an architectural pattern from which Damlzthur was built, she figured that behind the

aid as they wa

r, steam contraptions. They traversed the large hall for a time. Finally, they came to an area—still within the great hall—with lighting built into b

as it moved. It ceased by a sort of porthole. The lid dropped open and a large, metal ball fell before

ts spherical bottom allowed for easy movement in any direction. Built from ge

. With wide eyes, he slowly turned his he

back. Fara drew her mace. She ducked beneath the sword arm o

en spun away from the sphere to its left flank. It was then that Numerius—sword drawn—thrust his blade into the gears of the machine's sword arm. With one arm disabled, the sphere pointed its cros

om its crossbow, striking Numerius while he was trying to dislodge his blade. T

!" Fara yelle

g. The other hand took hold of frozen magicka, and he fired an ice spike. The crystalline projectile did little damage upon impact, but the cold effect of the

head. His sword protruded between the automaton's metal frame, so Fara continued to rain iron blows against

more, the sphere lurched, striking with a sword arm. The damaged gear and lodged blade hindered its movement, yet the large sword crashed over Fara's chest plate. She fell from the impact, rel

side; a small pool of blood had dripped onto the ground beneath

omething, " S

ing, "We need to re


n pain, but S'maash quickly held palms poised for a healing hands spell. Numerius was enveloped in warm light. After mere seconds, he was

rself well, S'ma

t through the remaining scraps of the defeated enemy. From it, they recovered some bent, dwemer

ress on, " h

Fara r

nd lighted ceiling, and reached a barred gat

said turning

aath set to work, feeling the tumblers with the pick. After what felt like an eterni

t candle light spell, they found nice vases. Fara took one, rolling it between her

was a set of dwemer cogs and a beautiful diamond. The diamond left a g

so…we could turn back

stood his sentiment. They turned to S'maash for his input as

le deeper, "

d water, they reached a large door. It took all of the men and mer to push it open. What was revealed to them was rather

ct this, " S

down, " Fara ad

ow, " S'maa

ly, if there was some amazing discovery to be made it would b

ld turn back

s shocked. "Ar

ack, and perhaps, with a few more men. The last thi

cision, " Far

n to Damlzthur's entry was a long and uneventful sojourn. The trip back home was much of the same. It had taken one day less, since they

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