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Descent of Darkness [Immortal Sun Mist Emperor 2]

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 1381    |    Released on: 16/01/2018


ad a repeat of their battle downstairs. After getting her light dra

aster. The dragon readied a sphere of water bu

"Arbl Draco!" A wooden dragon struck the floor

ke yours, " I said,

inds me of my mother's. The girl'

ngel Q

ith her. My father was also good fr

s in high place

atting him on the

match is Nyima, "

ng her a hand. Ryomi took Nyima's hand whil

ima said. "You're nearly as im

"I will be even more impress

ur like hair. "I'll

e Ayawamat

d isn't my thing but if I must do

t a large grin. A strange looking dragon emer

at Ayawamat. It was fast, too

g out of his mouth, causing the dragon's

She moved his hand up in a ver

ystals covered the spot

onger than that


prince, Wanikiya. He's

of fists and glare

p at the angry Lei. "We can change the rules. Besi

d. "That'

tood up and rus

f lightning while Seron lea

d in his hands. Tiny hands emerged from the orb and t

rown-haired kid and me. Our


ou going?" a

to find my partner. If I stick

ht, "

n, " Korgermu said. "That's where

guy really is


on my fifth birthday. Slicing the air, I

se Xelerians? Or

ening to the rush of the wind and feet agains


into the air. The young man I had foug

wn mouth agape. "Sorry,

it's all good. I kind of needed a haircut, " he said, sn

s hair

he normal way." His golden eyes gaze up at the blue sky. A larg

sword and returned

nsignia on the sword. "That item you got ther

back and

moned a silver mirror. "Here, check this out.

and reached fo

stared at the mirror intently. "Tha

he mirror away.

ed, petting its head. "I should take

g. He unsummoned his mirror. Replacing the mirror was a fruit o

a real dragon. W

d you u

gon! My great-great-something ancestor, th


man who could tu

the m

though most don't li

et. "Right, people here

frowning. "It's th

u Seishin where they are looked dow

m that country, " I said. "She was the boss duri

k. "Kid, you're as smart

ffed up my boyish chest.

rowed. "Oh,

smartest person in the world! W

young man sa

oviding me with rare books on various subjects

an and the Xian were once one." He grin

or so we're equal!" I snatch the fruit from him and

t to me. "I'm Iah Wudi. Hey! Once you're done taking your dragon back to your room, l

mile. "Alright, but first I want

ch too, " Nagaeus said

buddy. You can come with us!" I glanced at Iah wh

d, she


ldn't be s

bunch of kids like us. No ma

r than the one w

atly combed hair.

we continued walking, or in t

e to finally surpass h

ight hand out

to reach beyond those cloud

he interaction between our Xelerian

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1 Chapter 1 NO.12 Chapter 2 NO.23 Chapter 3 NO.34 Chapter 4 NO.45 Chapter 5 NO.56 Chapter 6 NO.67 Chapter 7 NO.78 Chapter 8 NO.89 Chapter 9 NO.910 Chapter 10 NO.1011 Chapter 11 NO.1112 Chapter 12 NO.1213 Chapter 13 NO.1314 Chapter 14 NO.1415 Chapter 15 NO.1516 Chapter 16 NO.1617 Chapter 17 NO.1718 Chapter 18 NO.1819 Chapter 19 NO.1920 Chapter 20 NO.2021 Chapter 21 NO.2122 Chapter 22 NO.2223 Chapter 23 NO.2324 Chapter 24 NO.2425 Chapter 25 NO.2526 Chapter 26 NO.2627 Chapter 27 NO.2728 Chapter 28 NO.2829 Chapter 29 NO.2930 Chapter 30 NO.3031 Chapter 31 NO.3132 Chapter 32 NO.3233 Chapter 33 NO.3334 Chapter 34 NO.3435 Chapter 35 NO.3536 Chapter 36 NO.3637 Chapter 37 NO.3738 Chapter 38 NO.3839 Chapter 39 NO.3940 Chapter 40 NO.4041 Chapter 41 NO.4142 Chapter 42 NO.4243 Chapter 43 NO.4344 Chapter 44 NO.4445 Chapter 45 NO.4546 Chapter 46 NO.4647 Chapter 47 NO.4748 Chapter 48 NO.4849 Chapter 49 NO.4950 Chapter 50 NO.5051 Chapter 51 NO.5152 Chapter 52 NO.5253 Chapter 53 NO.5354 Chapter 54 NO.5455 Chapter 55 NO.5556 Chapter 56 NO.5657 Chapter 57 NO.5758 Chapter 58 NO.5859 Chapter 59 NO.5960 Chapter 60 NO.6061 Chapter 61 NO.6162 Chapter 62 NO.6263 Chapter 63 NO.6364 Chapter 64 NO.6465 Chapter 65 NO.6566 Chapter 66 NO.6667 Chapter 67 NO.6768 Chapter 68 NO.6869 Chapter 69 NO.6970 Chapter 70 NO.7071 Chapter 71 NO.7172 Chapter 72 NO.7273 Chapter 73 NO.7374 Chapter 74 NO.7475 Chapter 75 NO.7576 Chapter 76 NO.7677 Chapter 77 NO.7778 Chapter 78 NO.7879 Chapter 79 NO.7980 Chapter 80 NO.8081 Chapter 81 NO.8182 Chapter 82 NO.8283 Chapter 83 NO.8384 Chapter 84 NO.8485 Chapter 85 NO.8586 Chapter 86 NO.8687 Chapter 87 NO.8788 Chapter 88 NO.8889 Chapter 89 NO.8990 Chapter 90 NO.9091 Chapter 91 NO.9192 Chapter 92 NO.9293 Chapter 93 NO.9394 Chapter 94 NO.9495 Chapter 95 NO.9596 Chapter 96 NO.9697 Chapter 97 NO.9798 Chapter 98 NO.9899 Chapter 99 NO.99100 Chapter 100 NO.100