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LARC Transmissions - An Anki Legacies Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1004    |    Released on: 25/01/2018

looking, until then I'l


mewhere between small and medium, the dog's unknown mix showed signs of bully breed and shepherd. Poi

ill voice of a y

erhead. Penny seized the blue ball and trotted back to her wiry, sandy blonde owner who watch

the planet we are going to land on ou

s outer hull. Willy pressed his face to the glass. It felt ice cold and refreshed him after their walk. White clouds drifted over masses of blue,

ssive hull deconstruction efforts, and various other tasks relate

ervised, Mother would walk with them around a freshly cut and trodden trail which skirted a thick canopy

enture out unsupervised, from time to time. One such adventure led

stood straight like a mohawk. A small purple creature crept out of shadow. Willy

way to the animal "Let's have a look at the little…Aagh!" W

assailant inert. She dropped its corpse and sniffed a

He hardly felt his dog nuzzle him and whimper concern. His ey

ny. It took only seconds for Mother and Father to get the brindled pla

th the corpse Penny retrieved, before

on his feet and his parents at h

reement came from his


o, shared their physical appearance. Their steely blue complexions flushed a shade darker from exertion

skin and powerful wings gave him away the first time his hood fell out of place. Perhaps if his parents were

the family home, conspiracy to harbor an Anki rece

ckward to clatter harmlessly on the cobbled road. Jaff reeled as a guard on his other side screamed a sonic burst and left

maw and used his newly discovered telekine

roke rank and rolled about the gr

nfurled massive red wings. He used the powerful

reached summit and fell har

granted what might have been his last wish. The pain from his stab wound throbbed and bled. The boy brimmed with worry and anxiety but still felt awe at

uards would be onto him before nightfall. Their leader King Zaetel, and his pre

re stated that once a community of Anki rose to power o

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