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Avoiding The Bad Boy

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 2623    |    Released on: 26/01/2018


e universe a girl dying on the first day of the new academic year might be possible but not h

e kept on saying how we all needed to stay calm and united, that the police would do everything to solve this murder, and that no stone wou

hocked to hear about what happened to Janice. Nothing like this had ever happened in the all the time I had been

ll students must be in their dorms as soon as classes end. Any student found loitering in the school grounds will face serious consequence

cafetaria. All heads turned in the direction to see a girl with black hair wailing while her fri

is attention to the boy who raised his

an, what happened to her?" The boy asked. He had blond

ied to bury her body but only half succeeded. The guard saw her foot protrud

. How could he be so insensitive at a time like this? A girl had died a

s parents agree for the body to be shown, only then you will be al

est news. As for me, my mind begun thinking about the killer. Who could it be? Was it a s

Dash's. I didn't know why I chose to look at him, it was like my

in those blue eys; something I had never seen before; something that had my blood chilling. But I could not decipher the look in his eyes. And then there was his messed up

the reason why I could see the horror painted on his golden skin. And no matter how hard I tried to tell myself that it was not what I thou

Dash could not do this. He was a bad

crimson hue that were on his arms on his hands. It looked like blood. It had to be blood. After seeing the

ly instead of making assumptions about him. But how could I? Would he even answer me? As it was, we hated each other, and Dash had no reaso

g to find out who did this. Dash was my number one suspect, but I had to be careful and collect sufficient evidence against him

ash's question shattered my thoughts,

w angry you make me

me. By the way, the clock is ticking and you better

our apology, how cold can you get?" I glared at him, making sure t

get; but you will find out if I do

ut?" Kaitlyn, one of the girl

or empathy for anyone, " I answered Kaitlyn, who fu

bad I assure you

chuckling, while I battled between the urge to smash

nded. What was wrong with these girls? Why couldn't they see how bad Dash was? How could the

is an animal." I shot Dash another glare

will be nice to you in return. Dash helped

you doesn't mean he is a

r definition of a good

en you were in trouble and was kind to you. But Dash was not good. I mean, I suspected him of murder, and

from one person to another until they rested on Dash, who rolled his e

way? I never heard

ot here, of course you don

ense stare; it did funny things to my heart and made me wish that he would alwa

no idea what she looked like. But she had friends, one of them was bawling her eyes out

nd friends. She was someone, we should

a memorial for her,

emorial will be goo

dvised to come to us immediately. The sooner we find out who the culprit is, the sooner he or she will be put behind bars and justice will be served. With that, I

ned. From what I could hear, there were quite a few people who knew Janice. And like me everybody else was

racey?" I asked

scared to walk in the dark after

for more security, so there is nothing to worry about. We should head ba

in the bushes or something? What if he jumps out and kil

othing to worry about, Tracey; no

mean the killer is gone? Did you see him l

ho the killer is?"

one, so you must have some ide

asked the question. And I could've hugged her for voici

ill someone? And I didn't even know Ja

me in so late? And why are your clot

Spanish Inquisition? I did no

ne of Gemma's friends said. "W

tood up, anger clouding his features like a mask.

a twist. We're just confused and wonder

t me. "As for you, I expect my apology tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. sharp, since we have no classes. If you don't apologize then you can get ready for your ten semesters, and I promise y

just give Brielle a death

threat. Jeez, Bri, what did you do to pis

his apology, he is not getting one from me. I am not goi

s ten semesters are going to be awful. Are you s

I have nothing to worry about, " I replied. I didn't know who I was trying to convince, me or my friends. I

ri. I think we should head back now. You ar

e you tomorrow, Gemma." I stood up along wit

anice?" Tracey asked as we

to lie to you, I have Dash on m

hady. We should investi

race, not detective

ch means we can investigate without

Tracey and I solved this murder, then I would send a killer to jail and my academic

ment of contemplation. "But w

y, my lips

ave to be s

t's just worry about


r's N

other update, I hop

to vote, comm

ou for


e c


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