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Forgotten Obsession

Forgotten Obsession


Chapter 1 First

Word Count: 1499    |    Released on: 11/02/2018

umns stretching fifteen feet to a ceiling with an enchanting chandeli

terview with Mr.

expected that at some point, the way she dressed up that day will be an issue for some, but she


re...right there...Natalia Abrera." She pointed at her name for emphasis. Sa

t the computer screen and typed something on the keyboard. S

one, it should be Nat

rinted the nametag that she obv


th high profile companies and CEOs because of her previous job, executive assistant to Gerry Hayes, CEO of Hayes Corp., for six months. That was before M

late for her appointment if she will not take the next available lift. Looking at her platinum watch,

s elevator

ce looked at her soaked white blouse that emphasized the red and black brassiere, measly covered with her thin red cardigan. She almost lost the abilit

ered when she noticed that they

oor is already lighted. She held her breath as she inhaled his masculine scent. She almost moane

he HR files t


ul traffic but she did not anticipate that the bagel she was eating inside her car would jump out of her hands. In her haste to pick up the bread, she spilled at the front of her blouse, the mineral water she was holding in her other hand. She doesn't have time to return home and change so she just used the red car

the man named David got off. Few more

her tremble at the feel of his breath on

n area. She was leering with the feeling when a plump woman in her m

his for you

r into my office after 15 minutes. Give her

s S

ed themselves in shame at the white plush carpeted floor. How did sh

rera..." The woman named Clara

ly, I chose you among the roster of candidates myself. I want someone that I could trust with Sir Basti. You see, I have been his executive assistant for 4 ye

I think it's

r room. It was sent to Sir Basti for his approval.

the interview, she searched for information of her new boss on the internet but the signal connection got interrupted. She

r of the Dominic Linea Italia Corporation. A multinational company with global

here was none. She saw several photos of him on a date with some models and celebrities but

ay change inside the toilet, at the

e toilet, she removed her shirt and skirt. Feeling the wetness of her brassiere, she removed them and placed all of her clothes inside the bag after donning the silk black dress. At 5'10, she looks like a fashion model

eception, Clara was talking to D

lia, Dave here is Sir B

lance at her. He handed Clara the folders

security cameras of the build

ess. I'll just retur

his coffee black, without sugar, without cream. Just

y the pantry, it's the same on

eamed a

ty, but I'm sure you're not both... Yes Sir, I'll send he

ng for you.

beats inside her chest. Mustering courage and confidence to face her hopefully future boss, she wondered which is m

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