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The Game He Plays

Chapter 3 The Client

Word Count: 2193    |    Released on: 13/02/2018

oesn't want to conform to her friend's definition of a business dinner which means wearing a cocktail gown just to eat a Rib eye steak and Greek salad with feta cheese. In the

eting will be on the first c

t is tonight. Please just act normal.

hat this deal is about." Lance sighed and just

't have brought it up. You know she gets all wired up wh

f you don't tell me. . .

or me, I'll just go up to my room and charge my phone." She

salad and steak!" She smiled. Her fr

sleep. She did not bring her laptop with her. She also doesn't want to talk to some o

o go up the lobby where the elevator is located. Deep in thought, she missed a step and almost fell.

ss?" A voice from

ely ignoring the guy who witnessed her almost fall, she headed up to the lobby and went straight to her room to charge her phone like she intended to do. When she g

you'll just

cause of it. Where's our food? I'm famished! Are the

is Mr. Fallon, one of our generous benefactors on one of our charitable institutions. It's

he was feeling irritated that the guy they

he excited voice of her friend, she wondered who that client is. T

his voice was familiar. Sammy was about to look at the owner of the f

ritation was a notch high

longer." Cassie knew how grumpy her friend could be when tired,

riends knew better than to mention it to her. They ate in silence for a while before the client moved his chair closer and whispered to her. She could sm

e guy at the staircase. Fighting her stubbornness of not looking at the person she dislike at that moment, she moved her chair farther before tur

Sammy tried to control her shock. She didn't even realiz

mmy, our good friend." She collected herself, feeling all eyes at her, she offered her hand for a handshake, which Ro

She nodded and tried to smile but it didn't eve

do." Let's continue ea

Cassie asked the question Samm

Yes, because my grandparents are Spanish.

sie was looking at her husband and they were smiling at each other. She rolled her eyes at

She kept on ignoring him and avoided looking at him. She concentrated on slicing the steak evenly before putting each sliced pieces on her m

had desert and she ordered

che." He whispered to her as she r

She was rewarded with peace and quiet when Rob and Lance started discussing about their project. She tuned out their voice to en

lier. It's a good thing, Rob thinks you're cute."

al and chocolate cake in

really should have se. . ." She covered her be

ho was trying to remove her hand as she giggled. When she fi

ingly drunk friend. Cassie looked flushed with all the champagne she drank. Sammy doesn't like to drink. She's a lightweight

are two rooms inside my Suite." She knew her friends have a house in LA. They were asking her to stay there but

at her friend and they walked back to their table. The two men were just drinking scotch

u for dinner. Better take Cassie home

Wait, you said you're staying here too right? That's why you asked to have the meet

k another room." Sammy just no

er best friend, which was now leaning at her husband's shoulder.

kind human being that she is,

a lame attempt on his part at conversation, seeing that the exact

d stop talking too. I

etfully sorry." He looked sincere but she knew his type. The ones w

ve but he took hold of her arm that was not a good thing. She hated b

" She turned and looked at him. He looked flushed.

eally don't." She emptied her pock

ing here? Can I invite you to

ot good at lying and he might have noticed that because

p to your room if it's okay?" He's

ssed in a revealing black cocktail dress walk towards them. It was

he noticed the woman approaching. She took that opportuni

e her. She looked inside and saw his calling card with two tickets to the Saturday ga

ed irritation, she took a bath to cool herself. When she passed by the bin and saw the envelope still protruding in its lid, she took it and angrily tore it into tiny pieces. She felt a lot better but still cannot avoid thinking

himself the top spot on

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