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Bar-20 Days

Bar-20 Days



Word Count: 3033    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

hen hastened out to attend to business. Buck had been kind to delegate this mission to them and they would feel free to enjoy what pleasures the town might afford. While at that time the city wa

piciously as it continued: "You've shore got to hang up them guns with the

wns that badge," grinned Hopalong, cheerfully. "We don't need no guns, nohow, in this town, we don't. Plum

it, mebby you better leave most of yore cash with the guns-somebody'll take

ly followed by Hopalong. "Anybody that can turn that little trick on me a

ounded a musical jingling. "If them weak people try anything

d. "An' I almost believe I'll do it, too. I ain't never seen none of that breed what ever left a town without empty pockets an' aching heads-an' the smarter they think they are the easier they fall." A fleeting express

etter press and tipped his chair back against the wall; Johnny hung grimly to his hat, sat stiffly upright until he noticed his companion's pose, and then, deciding that everything was all right, and th

," Mr. Jones remarked, filling glasses. There was no argument and when the glasses were empty, he continued: "Now what can I do for you? From the Bar-20? Ah, yes; I was expectin

us to keep away from?" aske

chuckled Hopalong,

per lip but before he could reply h

land, an' we don't know the trails.

nd he smilingly waved them towards the section of the town which Je

as me?" solicitously inquir

lower voice, "blamed if I don't feel sort of lost without that Colt. Ever

I lost it," Hopalong responded. "There a

g to put in its plac

y something," grinned Hopalong, happily

od-morning, gentlemen; what can I do for you? We'

ant something, all right-got to have it. It's a funny thing, come to think of it; I can't never pass a hardware store without going in an' buying something. I've been told my father was the same way,

so much-you'd never leave 'em if I didn't drag you out. He inherits that weakness from his grandfath

us to bring him? Bacon? Got any bacon? Too bad-oh, don't apologize; it's all right. Cold chisels-that's the thing if you ain't got no bacon. Let me see a three-pound cold chisel about as big as that,"-extending a huge and crooked forefinger,-"an' wi

him. "How abou

d," explained the clerk,

icle mentioned into his holster. "Why, they're quit

ny loose shot?" he suddenly asked, whereat Hopalong beamed and the clerk gasped. It didn't s

ir; wha

d!" Johnny rumbled in his th

palong smiled. "But, Johnny, wouldn't them litt

-half of each," Johnny gravely replied

ers had become a habit with him; else he would have given them six pounds of cold ch

unned clerk complied, and charged them for the

ny, and Johnny, in pain from holding back screams of laughter, looked at him indignantly. Then a guileless smile crept over Hopalong's face and he stopped the opening with a wad of wrap

e noted signs of distress on his companion's face. "Now, then;

amed upon the bartender and shoved his glass back

remarked Johnny, combining two thought

and then stood quite still and liste

er side of the bar. Hopalong was intently studying a chrom

" quickly demanded the man with the apro

, slowly rolling his eyes, looked at the floor. A screw rebo

se," Johnny explained

med, petulantly, closing the bottom of the sheath. "Why, I won't hav

hnny remarked. "But don't it sound nice, es

discover. He had read of infernal machines although he had never seen one. "What the blazes!" he exclaimed in almost a whisper

et," Hopalong interpo

ou finish!" rather impolitely interrupted the bartender. He waved the mallet and made for the

owder with the shot," Hopalong remarked sadly, leading

mallet, waving the weapon defiantly. "An' don't

upon the clerk jumped and reached for the sawed-off shotgun behind the counter. Sawed-off shotguns are g

face. "You git out, or I'll let this leak, an'

ly. "The others ain't no good; I choked on the very first screw. Why, I wouldn't hur

g with childlike simplicity as he listened to the tintinnabulation of the me

o," replied Hopalong, looking back to the c

ng wisely, picked up two wedges. "Johnny, here's yore gun. If this man will stop talking

e change across the counter. Hopalong picked up the money and, emptying his holster into the nail keg, followed his companion to the street, in t

hat feller thinks about us, anyhow. I'm glad Buck sent Red over to El Paso instead of

Dent's store on the way b

the most of their time and spent almost all of their money; but any one counting on robbing them would have found them sober enough to look out for themselves. Night had found them ready to go to the hotel, but on the way they felt that they must have one more bracer, and finish thei

g. Another seaman went to the bar to hold a short, whispered consultation

ese hard trails-my feet are shore on the prod. Ever meet my side pardner? Johnny,

and nodded. "Pleased to meet you, s

e," replied the o

ight or not at all. Them's my sentiments, which I holds as proper. Plain ry

n it's my mouth; nothing tastes right in this cussed town. Now, up on ou

ommand his will power. "Something's wrong;

drinking whiskey," grinned the bartende

ey as-" and, muttering, Jo

or his gun, and drawing forth a wedge. His sailor friend leaped at him, to go down like a log, and Hopalong, seething with rage, wheeled and threw the weapon at the

pped as he was, fought valiantly, his rage for the time neutralizing the effec

y remarked the leader, gently touching his swollen e

" groaned a man on the floor, slowly sitting up. "Whoever swa

lip. "I don't envy Wilkins his job br

share; let the mate do his, an' be hanged. Hullo, Portsmouth; coming around, eh?" he

me, no more!" thickly replied Portsm

me with him now!" commanded the leader sharply. "Get these fellers

nd along a wharf. There was a short pause as a boat emerged out of the gloom, some whispered orders, and then

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