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Alliance: Book Three of The Channel Riders

Chapter 2 Alliance

Word Count: 4121    |    Released on: 26/02/2018


The channels leading to and from the Earth were only deep enough to allow passage for the channel riders from the end of January to the middle of June. Without paying attention a ship could

n the new planet during the off season, enough supplies and research had not been gathered to allow them to do so safely this seaso

camping gear. Elena figured that she could supplement the normal camping gear and survival items picked up from e

r own?" she said to herself with a grin. Many of the items had in fact already been ordered. Those orders wo

d the area, she paused and watched. The docks were busier than usual with anyone spending the off season earthside preparing to l

until you know you won't be able to get i

round to asking him about. Despite the mysteries of his past Elena found herself liking Benjamin and even trusting him. The six foot seven inch tall blonde was built like a Mack truck and could cook better t

na took it automatically and glanced down. It was a certification slip from the office of weights and measures certifying his bag weigh

d legal Captain,

had her ship stationed on the planet with the crew so that in the event it was needed, emergency evacuation would be possible. As an extra safety measure Jasmine

e back with us I'll eat my hat, " Benjamin said. Elena glan

ctually o

. "But I could buy

have a plan." Elena re

apanese man in a perfectly pressed black suit. He was a neat compact man and Elena realized this was the f

ked up to her and stoppe

let you know that she will be in touch to work on arrangements for your

marbles in her mouth, but she wasn't quite sure how else to respond. 'It's not like Riko routinely comes over for Sunday di

nge. "I thought I heard a creak when he bent." Elena smiled a little at the joke, but mos

efore showing up for a meeting,

he has, " Peter said walking up to the pair and on

tie was missing, as was his suit jacket and the top button of his shirt was undone. Typically, Peter projected an image of mob boss that was hard to deny.

nd expertly tailored clothin

gratification end of the spectrum." Elena noticed that Riko's majordomo had stopp

"If you'll excuse us however, we do need to pic

me in between meetings with Riko. Good Journey to you Elena." Peter gave a slight nod to Benjamin, his only

ry to catch up. With his longer legs it wasn't much of a concern for him and they reached the loading area at the same time. Elen

gang plank. As both the Storm Chaser and all her equipment were still almost new there were no damages to be seen. She had not been expecting any, but habit s

clamps. For the trip between the Docking Facility and the planet it would just be the two of them. A

e it to my ship so no one else had better even think of stopping me." He chuckled again. "I've known linebackers who would h

jamin picked up their bags as the ship started to drift and Elena walked towards the pilot house. She knew Benjamin would drop his bag in the cr

spinning top, the kind that you pushed down to make it spin. This

g ship left planetary waters, a small measure of water was brought with them, traveling beneath the ship's hull as it moved through space. When ships

ey pulled away, as small strip of water pulled with them, slowly separating like warm taffy. Elena turned her attention towards adjusting her course. Normally once adjusted,

Normally there would be a heavier stream of ships heading towards the Marta, as she would be once she

arta was the channel they were most familiar with and therefore the one they were intent on mastering. This meant that militar

smiled. She had grown tired of dealing with the military on their terms and despised having them appear randomly to demand meetings. While she still couldn't determine when or where

eally want to deal with were popping up. "How'd I get to be in charge anyway?" She asked Spin. The cat stood, stretched and leapt down from her perch. Slowly she meandered out of the pilot house and

itting on the deck after dinner, watching the stars slide by. It was peaceful and Elena allowed her mind to float aimlessly. All of the worries she usually carried slipped aw

into the dark silence. Elena sighed and took another sip. Th

"I know it will be

in my position with Travcon, I shoul

's death more since she returned to the Guild, seeing more t

offee. Elena took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She could feel the warmth of the

ion of wet rope, the scents of far off places and people who smelled of sweat and the sea. She had not begun training as a pilot yet and shipping

t I was going with my gr


till too young. Dad pointed out that Therese was taken for testi

hey started pilot's

If you passed then you were assigned a ship and paired with a

our cousin st

, Therese didn't. She started at th

would take that well." Elena gave a halfhearted

re stupid. Kid stuff, you know? I broke my first record before she was even allowed to begin training. Mateo started taking prizes f

n made a non-c

a small stone affair that stood for more than 200 years and seemed more vertical than anything else. It was a bit more like an illustration in a picture book than a house. All o

n and presentable, she brought dinner. We were eating on the covered part of the por

yard smelled of moist earth. The red poppies planted around the edge of the small yard were bobbing in the rain. Mixed in with the smell of the earth was the smell of dinner, cheese and mushroom

the other one." Elena remembered being somewhat frightened of both of them. They seemed so angry that she could practically see a h

, " she continued. "I was about 14 or 15 when he became a counselor." Her voice trailed off in memory. She took another sip and

he tried to coax Elena into finishing her supper. Finally, the sounds ceased. There was the sound of the front door opening and

said. The Batwalug not the Matrovean. He also said that I would be staying wi

min mumbled t

mile. "Most people aren't confined to a

e agreed. "At least

don't know if he was staying nearby or was there for protection or some evil purpose of his own. We never spoke. I doubt he even saw


ncil is in town they tend to cluster. It makes for fewer outsiders to see something they shouldn't if someo

e Matrovean?" he asked.

were working the Shulgat trade routes. It wa

tains with younger children work the safer routes until the kids are older so the

d Council of Gadwan. A few years before I was born they made

up from being pirates themselves, mo

stripes stayed away and the Lusdter were paid well, or at least well enough not to return to ra

f the routes I sailed. " Elena tapped the edge of her mug wi

et and came out with a handful of assorted loose change, most of it not recognized as currency on the Earth. "Have to r

coffee mugs serving as the two docking stations maintained by the United Council of Gadwan. Elena dipped her f

coffee and traced another line. This line meandered through the system she had set up, touching the docks and one of the larger planets. "This is the esta

within the defen

r finger in the coffee and traced a wet line on th

with the Batwalug, " Benjamin added, showing he h

e far side of the cups and coins. "And this is where the nearest Bat

lena placed a dot along the trade route. "This is where

ut they would have had to edge close enough to the Fesagol territory to be picked up by the

s. There was no sign of retaliation from the Fesagol anywhere n

ell thought

to get them killed, but not enough to fool

when he told her. There was a deep sadness, but also an anger that

ins that Elena knew would be scoured from the deck by saltwater when they next went through a channel. After a time Benjamin picked up the

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