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Folk Tales of Breffny


Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

iddling proud and conceity in themselves, for they rode upon what appeared to be horses and had music with them, no less!

hild, a gosoon, that could never be learned to speak, nor walk, nor stand upright, nor evenly to crawl upon the floor.

ng the fire until the fall of night, seemingly contented and in the best of humour. He had great observation for all that would be doing in the place, and if the least thing went astray he'd have a

e wife went to market, leaving the serva

glowing turf is his whole delight. Let you attend to your business the same as if myself was standing b

before they quit working and began for

feast, considering herself is not in it, and the wee coley

They built the fire with turf enough to roast the dinner of a giant, set the pot-hooks in the ears of the pan and let down the crook for t

's child never quit watching the pair. Maybe it's in

n the best of humour, chatting other and funning, when all of a sudden the servant boy chanced to look out over

girl, hearing tell of them coming in on her sooner nor they were expected, had the wit to whip the b

countenance," says she. "But what about it,

. And the four near fell dead with wonderment and fea

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d out and hunted from the place. For the butter cake was st

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im but only the one thing, saying i

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e was striving for to tell. They were all of a tremblement with the wonder of the speech coming to him, and they never thought to consider

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look round the place to see was anything astray; and I pr

the world with the dread and surprise was on them. After dark the mother puts the son to bed, fixi

eaven were striving together, and they horrid vexed with one another. There were strange noises in it too, music and

the commotion, herself took a light

for she had a fashion of speaking with hi

, he was away travelling the world with th

he far distance and the wind was still as the dawn of a summer's day. Sure it was no

usic on the distant hills, nor the regiments of horsemen passing by. The whole time it was lonesome they'd be, and they lo

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