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Brownie Oxford and the Idlewild Incident: Brownie Bk 2

Chapter 3 Brownie Oxford and the Idlewild Incident

Word Count: 3672    |    Released on: 07/03/2018


I dreamed, I didn't remember it. Despite going to bed earlier than usual, I had the feeling I slept in later than I anticipated. My belly felt hollow and my bladder felt fu

at my curls would be less of an issue in this house and when I dressed I left my coat and hat off. I quickly made the bed and slipped my shoes on, prepared to find the kitchen. Before I reached the door however, I paused. This wasn't my house and

sed it to be Mrs. Avery as I didn't k

e I hoped food would be. When I hung up, I looked around, making sure everything was tidy. Then I pulled out my small self-testing meter to see what my bilirubin levels were before unlocking my bedroom door

I found the chemical compound stunted my abilities. I had no real desire for more power, but I did have a need to break free of the pills as they were controlled by

ious places to me anymore. However, I knew that Matheson, or Cecil as I supposed I should think of him given the host of deceased Mathesons waiting not too far away, never took the pill

army of servants lurking about the place. From my brief acquaintance I gathered he was the sort to like having an army about, after all he did h

I really didn't know him well enough to

red, I was kind of

nd me. Large enough to feed an actual army, vast stretches of stainless steel and marble greeted me. From conversations with a pastry chef, I knew the marble was useful fo

leep, I took in her details. Her hair was brown and cut into the short look that many older women seemed to favor. Given the deep laugh lines around her eyes and mouth, I was guessing the hair color came from a bottle. At a guess I put her age at late sixties, possibly even early sev

some breakfast, or given the time I suppos

n't realize it was that late." After months of rising before the sun so I could get my run in early wh

what those on the hill told us, I'd be pretty done too. Do you

ee what she made and be on the lookout for anything that might

laced against the wall at the end of the kitchen. "You are welcome to eat in the kitchen if you'd like, unless you'd prefer the more formal space in the dining room?" She lifted an eyebrow

no need to trouble yourself, I could easily make m

en everything she took out was an unprocessed item. Generally, it was the chemicals that were mixed into the processed foods that caused me issue. While eggs were fine

quickly she had a plate prepared and was setting it down in front of me. "Egg

reaching for my fork. The spinach would help with my levels as well and I wondered

" She replied. "I'll get you a glass o

ngry, I pushed the strangeness aside and ate my meal. It was good and as I ate I thought about my situation. Although the place I was in was not an entirely comfortable one, I knew it wasn't the first place Swift would look for me. It

didn't know how Swift truly thought of me. Was I just an asset to be exploited or did he actually think of me as a person? Would he respect

to stay gone long enough for other things to claim the bulk of his attention, after all

, I drained the last of my juice and took my used items over to the sink. I quickly washed the plate, glass, knife and fork. I

rsation during daylight. I wondered if I should tell anyone where I was going. Unfortunately, I didn't

. The space seemed vast and I wondered how big it actually was. I looked up as I moved under one of the house's chandeliers. I knew my stride was almost three f

o begin with. I moved up the stairs and into the guest room. I slipped on my jacket, pulled my hat on, more for warmth than for concealm

oad. I didn't know if there was a path or a trail or if I just had to hike through the woods to get there. It seemed sensible to have a

it was thought my skills might be of use in plann

d please thank your wife for breakfast o

anced in the open doors as I passed. The first floor looked designed for entertaining and I passed a well-appointed sitting room, a large and very ornate dining room and what I thought might be either a library or a study.

nto the back yard. There was an enormous multi flagstone area that seemed far too large to be called a patio. In the distance I could see a pool, covered for the winter and what I thought was a tennis court. The net had been taken down for the s

the path would be used far more often than usual for a family plot." I thought about it as we walked. "Of course if the dead can move between the cemetery and the house th

eath, the less funereal terminology also made sense. I shook my head at the thought. After living so long thinking I was the only one like me, it was somewhat surreal to be in a place where my ski

l pleasantries were complete. "You look much

I left plenty of room for Avery, but he chose to remain stan

ituation, " William continued.

it, " I replied no

son is looking for you. However, you must be trained, that much is clear. We have placed w

noticed there were fewer silver lined, green-eyed spirits present than the night befor

of the books that would normally be used in your early education. Eustis is working with Mrs. Avery to make a collection of these

m to fall into Swift's hands. I had the feeling if Swift appeared, there wou

to go and a way to keep you hidden

had been discovered where she was placed. Throughout the years we, my wife and I, as well as a couple of trusted family members, have… grown the identity so to speak. Given her a history and aged the persona appropriately. The documenta

" I replied so

ant to keep you until your parents could sneak away. I returned and assisted in maintaining the ruse that you were with them for nearly two weeks as they finished their preparations for leaving. They were planning to pick you up once they were clear, all three of you living under new names. They

atheson arrived, I suspected it wasn't quite that simple. Now the basic beliefs I held my entire life seemed wrong. It was something I was going to have to

ctures of me to present to people, asking if they have seen me." I realized that Swift could probably have me branded as a wanted fugiti

probably be estimating how much cash I had on me and looking for a new bank account to appear with the amounts of the checks I got when my bank accounts were closed. He would probably also be looking for me to get a new job and

ery suggested. "Perhaps as it is growing chilly we should return to the house?" He su

point. Once the matter with Swift is settled and you return to us, we can assist with more advanced st

e bench. Avery and I left the cemetery, my power being pulled from its confines. As before, those born with abilities simil

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