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My Ex, My Husband

Chapter 3 NO.3

Word Count: 666    |    Released on: 12/03/2018

block, b**ch, cold hearted b**ch. It was as if the b-word was now my middle name.

, very protective of his friends. He became my best friend, the only person that actually saw beneath the walls I built. We

queen? When you are done, tell me what you did to get her. I might just want to have a taste of

ut whatever it was, he was crushed when he saw a video of her orgy with the football team. Gross. He did love the girl and I don't know why. I don't

f us. So one party leaving the other won't actually hurt the person left behind. I was

y b

u been crying?" I asked when I

l too good. Can you come home? We n

d the call. I frowned as I stood up, licking my fingers a

ill couldn't stop thinking or imagining what we had to talk about. Worry was trying to find it's way into my

tension. It was so thick that a knife c

. Where

crying. But she still refused to tell me what the problem was. When we got into my dad's office in the house, h

ith an equally em

and my mum

I." I saw an emotion cross his face. Nervousness

with shock. When I found my voice

anguage. I always make a mistake of c

good in English to edit the book, the errors will probably

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