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The Bite Cleaner

Chapter 4 Our First Date

Word Count: 3339    |    Released on: 13/04/2018

eights apa

ant smile. Her medium length hair hung down to her bare shoulders, edged by the long tube top that traced down her slender curves.

iew, doctor?" s

Speaking of which, " asked the doctor

" She seductive slipped her right fingers onto and up his tie. Then

ent. Reuben briefly looked up and saw mo


patients?" as

bottle out of someone's ass, " said Reuben. "It's moments like t

loudly. Kim almos

d you find suc

explain. However, she c

ght!" Reuben stuttered as he expla

acho?" asked Maddy. She removed her earrings as sh

acho. He put the box of books in his office. "I was hopin

s come true, especially when

out the first set of books.

z through the ER. Then during the chaos, he ran into th

ed and dropped a small

n a few days. He did save the patient,

ctors on cocaine, scalpels flying around and

ient survived but her blood spray gave the assist

a man with a torn t-shirt and black leather coat sat on both knees. Several knives were lodg

said before he flopped fa

ho as he ran over to him.



ly to work, putting pressure on the open wounds.

h!" Lucas said as he s

ace! We need to run a FAST test

ed a knife from his chest, "blood!"

ed Lucas' arm. He looked at bubbling liquid form around the wound where Lucas re

ked Reuben as took a

ulled another knife from his

t to the bridge and got the blood packs. "Maddy! Ho

l over the place!


glowing. UV light? he wondered. Or something else? He also noticed that Lucas still looked pale. But then again, he was always p

Lucas as he looked at him. "You're think

at, well I was earlie

hat note. I

's a

med. "Another one! AAH!" A

nd coat lined with blades on the inside limped forward. She looked like she

, short sword in one hand, knife in the other

ick from the woman sent him flying backward.

p. The pain got to him as he tried to si

sed her sword to swing it. She swung it downward. It hit the

y and knocked the weapons

happened my first week o

ked?" asked Rebecca as she s

ya and Reub

after them?" asked Kim, a tall

anya, exaggerating the size of the rats

dios, yes!"

panish, " said Tanya. She j

re such a cute co

ittle pony, " said Rebecc

she was in bed, a sheet covering her. Her amulet was not glowing. Sh

apped to the bed. He looked around and saw th

this!" loudl

kill me! I had to

ker? Good! UGH!" Tanya also found herself i

k happy. "I see you are both up. Good

ch say that, " Lu

cas earlier. "You two are going to tell me what is going on. And no lies or mumbo-jumbo either. The

er fault!"

he clanked the knives menacingly against the metal gu

ir, bloodsucking fiend

, " sternly said Reuben with a mea

" said Lucas, "but

d her!" sh

I di

I'll kill yo

I didn't kill her!

you only dese

e fiend you are

r wars me,

Reuben was annoyed n

y name is Tanya. I hunt shifters who've been accused

Lucas. "I don't rem

ound drained of blood. Police had no clue

re for 25 years, " explained Lucas. "so

e think he was the ki

s nightclub if the DJ was a bite

ne at Greta's! I nev

know of four other d

eta's?" as

not th

was she

alley, if I rem

club! That's bad for business!" Lucas

! You're always b

conversation. "Did you find any specific proof

on't need a warrant

I hadn't killed anyone in 6 ye

r other kills?"

nd they were annoying. Th

ted su

a monster, through and

e ready to stab through Lucas' heart. Lucas

e pointy, then his fangs extended from his jaw. Small wings be

, " said

I could show you my ba

sked Maddy as she stood by t

can do. I'll deal

" Tanya tried to move but

ggled but successfully changed back to f

led explanation. Meet me at the


the morgue, or stay with me." He then looked at the wounded woman. "And


ell enough to leave. Then you will leave this

, do

bats got in?"

were reall

ease, " quickly

u strapped in b

the bats and the rats and I el

n automatic

ients sometimes and we'

drank a tall glass of wine. "Ever

e big needle, "

s is stil

ists tightened, holding off the urge to make the kill. I should eliminate her,

bly crazy. Hell, this whole situation is crazy. "Would you happen to h

at pocket, left o

and pulled out the photo. "D

ed at it. "She looks a little familiar. A lotta girls in the club look like her

he die?" as

re wrists and said

ing through his online calendar app, he jumped and said "That's why! I was working with a friend at GFX Studios

vities. "Yeah, he was away from Greta's f

rders…" mutt

rwise, leave me alone and go-HAACK!" Lucas coughed strongly and l

my fee?!" ye

escape!" complained Tanya as s

decisions. Especially when they t

said Maddy with no hin

ulance and ship you off to Folden. Folden's got better stuff but it'll be far mor

ical! Shit...too expensiv


was such a difficult patient." R

were a jerk

you 'don't turn that way, ' and you turn t

comfortable!" Tanya sa

e an old married cou

r first date?

hear this, " said Tanya as

r wanted to see me again, " explained Reuben. He took

ts. I told that I wasn't his patien

gonna s

d him about

oys! Oddly enough it

ago, Na

ben sat down at the booth in front of her. The atmosphere between them was tense. You coul

eating anything h

They're p

sion and smelled a rose smelling perfume from

as tell you a

about himself. I assume

mmunity of shifters

ecial. Didn't realize it

t. She continued, "You should be aware that they


an say they li

ng to kill them, I can see

her fist on the table. The table shook and people lo

are very strong for som

achos with sliced lettuce, jalapenos, pulled chicken, and

ter the first bite, Tanya answered his question. "It

? Magical amulet? Surely there

e curious about this shifter stuff than I figured. Most folks want t

the curio

it." Tanya too

to learn the hard way that my profession is full o

the news for targets. Har

s an illusion. If you're in touch with the shifter community,

"Well, I'll pass on the w

ut what to say. A cat ran by, being chased by a dog. H

ou just want

ucas says shifters are more night owly for some reason. It's better than the al

me around more?" she f

Rueben loo

looked serious. "You


e blus


lushing! This is

not, I

ning pink l

was totally Nacho

ating chips and knew she w

t's a Hallmark sto

Seems almost.

is necklace as perfect as you are." He hung the necklace around her neck. The necklace was not very large. It had an oval blue gemstone in the middle, and two angel

clapping. Tanya said,

great for her!

wonderful to me,

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