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Beauchamp's Career -- Volume 2


Word Count: 2176    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

whose chief could afford to keep aloof, while he slaved all day and half the night to thump ideas into heads, like a cooper on a cask:-an impassioned cooper on an empty cask! if such a

y avowed to Colonel Halkett, on his arrival at Mount Laurels, that he was advised to take up his quarters in the neighbourhood of Bevisham by a recent report of his committee, describing the young Radical's canvass as redoubtable. Cougham he did not fear: he could make a sort of calculation of the votes for the Liberal thumping on the old

orked,' Mr. Austin said, deplori

ther Beaucha

but the colonel appealed to her, sayin

good public speaker. He certainly has command of his temper: that is one thing. I cannot say whether it favours oratory. He is indefatigabl

ended franchise. The untried venture of it depressed him. 'Men ha

ough like

d. 'A fluid boro

sed: 'But Ferbrass is qu

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in the county as Grancey Lespel. Hitherto he has always been to be counted on for marching his

t many lawyers

barristers a

el and Mr. Austin

to be grappled with in earnest, created a small revolution in her mind, entirely altering her view of the probable pliability of his Radicalism under pressure of time and circumstances. Many of his remarks, that she had previously half smil

have written out a fair copy of

iery Nevil engaged in writing out a fair copy of

een agreed on for the unmasking of the second Tory candidate. She promised that in case Nevil Beauchamp should have the hardihood to enter the enemy's nest at Itchincope on Wednesday, at the great dinner and ball there, she would do her best to bring

but it's' the practice. I would gladly be

tage. He says that a personal visit is the only chance for a

making him acquainted with them;

d wink the bribe,"' Colonel H

comes the Wh

ote and wink

s intimidation

ajolery,' said Mr. Austin; 'and that

entlemen convers

majesty of the act of canvassing can be but barely appreciable, and he, therefore, who would celebrate it must follow the candidate obsequiously from door to door, where,

ectly entreat you to do,' is pretty

tioner, with no discourteous adjectives, Thou fool! To come to such heights of popular discrimination and political ardour the people would have to be vivified to a pitch little short of eruptive: it would be Boreas blowing AEtna inside them; and we should

ns-helots. Criticism, now so helpful to us, would wither to the root: fun would die out of Parliament, and outside of it: we could never laugh at our masters, or command them: and that good old-fashioned shouldering of separate interests, which, if it stops progress, like a block in the pit entrance to a theatre, proves us equal before the law, puts an end to the pretence of higher merit in the one or the other, and renders a stout

woes of wintriness upon us. Keep them from concentrating! At present I believe it to be their honest opinion, their wise opinion, and the sole opinion common to a majority of them, that it is more salutary, besides more diverting, to have the fools of the kingdom represented than not. As professors of the sarcastic art they can easily take the dignity out of the fools' representative at their pleasure, showing him at antics while he supposes he is exhibiting an honourable and a decent series of movements. General

u have only to look to see-goes far beyond concord in the promotion of harmony. This is our English system; like our English pudding, a fortuitous concourse of all the sweets in the grocer's shop, but an excellent thing for all that, and let none threaten it. Canvassing appears to be mixed up in t


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