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You'll Be Safe Here

Chapter 4 Imprisoned

Word Count: 1565    |    Released on: 12/04/2018

he felt her k

earlier. Cielle saw him steal a glance at her before leaving, but it was

r subconscious criticized. Him telling you som

he heard Don say to someone and that someone being

, urging them u

ulling Alex up a

Somehow the boy noticed th

ring. "Ah, they needed us to rest Alex because we had a

ded sl

my going t

question, managed to create a quick answer, "Y

and even from the lack of light, she

replied, loo

w?!" Arthur shouted angrily, whose sand

s hand. Once they were able to disembark, Arthur didn't wast

t trees towered over them. The land in this part of the island was rocky, with a b

noting the twist and turns of the pathwa

d even one escape an island full of

r was left open, but they didn't use this to go inside. Instead, Arthur directed them to ano

rooms. In one of them at the right, they were deposited by Arthur without sayi

oor close and locked, she turned around and scanned the

ound table, one wooden stool, an empty cab


ath. She jogged towards the bed to sit down and smiled at h

t was, but she was aware enough to t

ards the bed, but before he could lie down total

?! Her mind

be hungry, since his dinner consisted only of one

hungry, but she didn't show

I promise, when you wake


ance, Alex slept with

ad to sardine themselves in sleeping. Not only was that the problem, but the bed also had little to no foam. I

ould request a much more

e, the gentle breeze of the palm trees, and the crowing of roosters. These weren

he made with Alex about foo

e a window. There was a rectangular opening located overhead, though that looked like it was once used as a

nny-looking, tanned stranger wh

ing her forearm out to ca

and stooped low to look at her. "Why are you so noisy, w

to rid of the dust particle

t," she stated, and met his

wanted to add,

clarified in a mocking tone; his E

gorously nodded. "Ple

little opening available, Cielle could see how he sc

" he stated acidly and

ir! Please! He needs food!" she shouted, d

ipping point of crying, but she held her tears at bay. No, she won't be a mess in front o


or the

re and hunger

for someone—anyone—to pass her by, and hoped, really hoped tha

ight. Her elbows had grown weary from perching an

f these kidnappers stayed out late, then it was expected they would wake up l

she th

pped in with something in hand: a rattan tray with two medium-sized bowls of fried rice, two slices

open when she turned to see him. She did not see thi

y; his eyes trained on h

that irk

me you know,

clothes, a new set of boots—and cringed at the thought that she was st

ted by her acid mout

alities," he spat flatly. "Yo

y on the round table and

thank you?" was her rema

c replied and then


them if He used such a rude,

mind to do this. She was sure as hell didn't notice

which was most unlikely, anyway. Maybe he was assigned to give them food? Or maybe... just ma

py that their breakfast was on their

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