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My High School Crush

Chapter 3 NO.3

Word Count: 1106    |    Released on: 08/05/2018

rtatiously to me. I lightly let out a small sigh and smile


y forgot you

um. no.... just didn't t

at's the

t and she's hooking up with someone. So, I tho

go with some girl.But, you c


t over to the couch. I fixed myself a bit then tied my hair to a high messy bun.

you, ''

re wel

e you... v

ually enrolle

That's a

but I'm also excited

at are you m

and Fi

ist.'' He let out a chuckle and pre

u're majoring in

you rem

nd looked at Elijah. He was smirking flirtatiously again then got up f

l? Yeah, alright. I'l

nd heaved a frustrated sigh. Elijah then sat right back down next to me

roken down near the entrance of the m

can le

afe. Don't worry I'll tell him myself

uld do t

I'd do anyth

far right-hand side. He pulled out a blanket then went to

ijah. I really

et really chilly you can alway

?'' I wh

ainst the couch and watched Elijah walking to the door. Getting comfortab

s coming from the kitchen. Struggling to wake-up I heard a

ing!'' said Jacob

od morning?'' I replied

l, Elijah

eah, I f

reakfast Jade?'' El

ld get going I have a cl

, you don't wanna get starved d

the fruit basket from him. We both took a quick look at ea

to mine. It wasn't a surprise that the door is un

walked up to me with a smile on her

ng?'' She sa

ocked me out

, J


ong of me to do that. I was reall

like you had so much fun, ''

. So where d

my answer that I compressed my lips together fast k


replied in a hi

h and scoffed with a

d Jacob of course, made


We both giggled at the same time an

other again. I know what happened at the Halloween party in our Sophmore year, how

azy is


essor Bartley. She's so funny, very welcoming, and a laid-back professor I ever had so f

nouncement about the syllabus. So far, I can tell that

have today for you all. I'll

library and check out the textbook that I needed for the semester. After, I head ove

where, a group of jock boys came into the lounge and started to holler with

jocks. I suddenly smelled a rich cologne breezing under my nose that made me open my e

the same position as

fine, I can

?'' I qu

e, '' he

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