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Chapter 17 CHAPTER 15- Let Bygones Be Bygones

Word Count: 7882    |    Released on: 15/05/2018

escort me to my morning class and then we would also stick together during recess and he would escort me to my car

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1 Chapter 0 PROLOGUE2 Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1- A fresh Start3 Chapter 2 CHAPTER 2- A new Worry4 Chapter 3 CHAPTER 4-His Pleas5 Chapter 4 CHAPTER 5- The Conditions6 Chapter 5 CHAPTER 6- Back To NYC7 Chapter 6 CHAPTER 7- daring.8 Chapter 7 CHAPTER 8- Challenging.9 Chapter 8 A glimpse in the past-- Shehzad Atish10 Chapter 9 CHAPTER 9- The Date11 Chapter 10 CHAPTER 10- The Conversation.12 Chapter 11 CHAPTER 10- The Conversation13 Chapter 12 CHAPTER 11- Agitation14 Chapter 13 CHAPTER 12-Problems15 Chapter 14 CHAPTER 13- Guardian Angel16 Chapter 15 CHAPTER 14- Friends17 Chapter 16 A Glimpse Into The Future--Shehzad Atish18 Chapter 17 CHAPTER 15- Let Bygones Be Bygones19 Chapter 18 CHAPTER 16- Leader Of The Flyboys20 Chapter 19 CHAPTER 17- Precious Times21 Chapter 20 CHAPTER 18- Surprisingly enough22 Chapter 21 CHAPTER 19- Constance Brundidge23 Chapter 22 CHAPTER 20- worries24 Chapter 23 CHAPTER 21- Discreetly25 Chapter 24 CHAPTER 21- Discreetly26 Chapter 25 CHAPTER 24- Childish27 Chapter 26 CHAPTER 25- How It Came To Be28 Chapter 27 CHAPTER 26- Confusing Mishaps29 Chapter 28 CHAPTER 27-Disheveled Thoughts30 Chapter 29 CHAPTER 28- enticing memories31 Chapter 30 CHAPTER 29- Hope32 Chapter 31 CHAPTER 30- The Tragedy33 Chapter 32 CHAPTER 31- Rekindling.34 Chapter 33 CHAPTER 32- Counting Stars and the Moon35 Chapter 34 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT36 Chapter 35 CHAPTER 33- Written On The Wind37 Chapter 36 CHAPTER 34-No More Secrets38 Chapter 37 TREAT CHAPTER- Shehzad Atish39 Chapter 38 CHAPTER 35- The Debutante Ball40 Chapter 39 CHAPTER 36- A New Day41 Chapter 40 CHAPTER 37- Silently Departed42 Chapter 41 CHAPTER 38- My Life's Philosophy43 Chapter 42 CHAPTER 39-Filling The Void44 Chapter 43 CHAPTER 40- By Your Side45 Chapter 44 CHAPTER 41- Darker Symphonies of White46 Chapter 45 Epilogue