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My French Teacher Claims I'm his Mate

Chapter 4 New Girl, New Friend

Word Count: 2727    |    Released on: 19/06/2018

ng day, as till 7:30 Tyler didn't tell her he couldn't

o homeroom, and as she entered

uck, isn't it?' sh

of you to join us!" H

ly at him. What cou

with her said, "Smiling, are we? You wouldn't mind having a det

dy have

e but soon he countered t

an and Sandra all together, Maria said

ia heard some giggles, but didn

is eyes looking disp

when she heard him say, "But your l

. And he seemed to recover his good moo

ering hands and I have a good

had a three-day suspension and was supposed to write an apology to Mike –his son– which she didn't ... and that pi

f and zoned out, only getting out of

someone. She turned around to come face to face with a

'm Fel

And I'm Maria?" It came out as a questio

ead clarified, "I have a

a gentler tone, "Follo

nkins' was an ass, nor was the fact


d all periods together. Quite

hey all back off when Sandra threatens them. I can understand that. Nob

wo years ago, came Kelly and Tyler. They made

orite, as she couldn't even manage to draw a rose straight,

o find Jerry looking

he was in the basketball team. His friends used to talk to her too. T

ent– in a school full of snobs with lots

nts besides Kelly, her BFF, and Tyler, her

ut he had graduated last year so that just left

her father had, nor for her looks –not that she was stunningly

paper and read, "g

d down a qui

know with my l

'r ok now so

is. They continued their little chit

h, it was

sroom when Felicity grabbed her h

s. I'll grab a chocolate bar

I come along?" She

After a few steps, Jerry caught up with the

issed his p

responded, buggin

ened when saying "You know you like me." His

nked jokingly, then added in a fake seri

ile heading otherwise shouted at

d waved, then hurrie

tory classroom, Mari

" She apparently

on, " Maria smil

s wide, "You made me drop my bo

teasing, and her friend's fake glare soon faded, and she burst off

ool! She might get along with Mandy and the rest o

ng machines. She bought three chocolate bars, handed them one eac

und her waist, a warm breath tickling her ear, "Quiet, babe

nd his proximity didn't make her heart beat faster. And the on

ly out of his hold, "Well, I'm

thing. Then, eyeing Felic

here was no need to ta

y much!" The redhead's tone was pure sweetness, but onl

aria's boyfriend.

o get on his girl

ome so rude?' Sh

n't like the way he was talking to her. Being new

e mumbled und

iod together, Maria flanked by a really silent Tyle


r, as Maria was dreading the

sterday in front of Mr Donnovan... and she was almost hyper

n't want him to think she was another one of those students throwing themselves

stress, nor did he act in any frustrating way.

doing just fine until some guys started chasing their g

y to play

ame after Maria when she was least e

im, and finally kneeled down so that she could avoid him, but he was already bending to keep torturing her, when a

mind –while being kind of an

bout him AGAIN!' Maria inwar

" Sandra, the same slut who had been on her boyfrien

rry. I didn't mean to disturb your class." Her voice was hushed, and she

s eyes softened, his features relaxed, and he

eir skins was feeling amazing, the little shocks were still there, and the rush of

ve a whisper, and it made her yearn for more. Then, he gent

was being carried in an unknown whi

that made her scowl. She had had her share of detentions already. She sure as hell

r was fussing around angrily, "I don'

inued in an exasperated tone,

the amusement inside of her, and her grin expre

arguing with one of the jocks for

freshed her arms, getting rid of the practice

hair in a messy ponytail. Maria told her unmot

njoy the detention, hon." She had that glint in her eyes that left her

morrow, " came Felicity's

ed her, smiling apologetical


e was, Maria sat alone in the French's classr

she got up from her sit, the door opened, and th

him, then said in a playfu

as he going insa

incite her to close her e

t in front of her, his proximity way too disturbing for her. B

aze at her desk,

?" She asked

simply, a smile a

e it's not a prank or anything, '

see that it was a san

esk next to hers, his white shirt hu

l. He's your teacher!' She i

voice that she almost did

had a detention at lunch time so..." He trailed off, s

y, he asked, "Euh, you don

torted immediately, "It's just so un

le edging a little bit closer, "Blake.

, then took a bite


re he bought it, ' she thoug

s not embarrassed

se he was watching her every move – h

comfortable with him

se persons who know how

she reasoned, 'There is nothing special

ero, Maria thanked him again. He just s

Her question seemed to sn

the boxes, " he ans


rted, only to be interrupted by Kelly, "

"Don't be ridiculous

then added, "and you have this look on your face when w

!" Maria den

s!" Kell

!" Maria cri

ly's voice was getting louder by each

m n

e t

m n

e t

at came from Mandy, a cute brunette with big blue eyes. She was considered as the nerd o

e two girls s

to tell, " she said in

hat some 'boy' has a thing for her, " Kelly

her laugh, "He isn't. You

ith her own imagination, le

and the girls h

ria a ride to school, and

mused while walking, 'I think our relationship is coming

tions. Everything shall be

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